diff --git a/scientific_software_management/get_samri_data.sh b/scientific_software_management/get_samri_data.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca2d64584837c1b6ccdf4adcb3af5d9e5d929835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scientific_software_management/get_samri_data.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI/master/setup.py -O samri/setup.py
diff --git a/scientific_software_management/img/fork.png b/scientific_software_management/img/fork.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12bcd26d8f71db5c637504e669221e5be086e859
Binary files /dev/null and b/scientific_software_management/img/fork.png differ
diff --git a/scientific_software_management/img/git.png b/scientific_software_management/img/git.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18c5b29d788326339b39df657ad2c9134de2ac45
Binary files /dev/null and b/scientific_software_management/img/git.png differ
diff --git a/scientific_software_management/img/pr.png b/scientific_software_management/img/pr.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..029e4b4a4ea58f31d8e26ddff450f69a0a392a4a
Binary files /dev/null and b/scientific_software_management/img/pr.png differ
diff --git a/scientific_software_management/samri/setup.py b/scientific_software_management/samri/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0613913351492c3a07e6633c8579c975149bbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scientific_software_management/samri/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+packages = find_packages(exclude=('samri.tests*', 'samri.*.tests*'))
+	name="SAMRI",
+	version="9999",
+	description = "Small animal magnetic resonance imaging via Python.",
+	author = "Horea Christian",
+	author_email = "chr@chymera.eu",
+	url = "https://github.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI",
+	keywords = ["fMRI", "pipelines", "data analysis", "bruker"],
+	classifiers = [],
+	install_requires = [],
+	provides = ["samri"],
+	packages = packages,
+	include_package_data=True,
+	extras_require = {
+		},
+	entry_points = {'console_scripts' : \
+			['SAMRI = samri.cli:main']
+		},
+	)
diff --git a/scientific_software_management/slides.tex b/scientific_software_management/slides.tex
index 7edc8a73529b65d53806e4fba1665c23b9c8a214..c74acd1328ec2de391b3a752446a3a7cf82f1e67 100644
--- a/scientific_software_management/slides.tex
+++ b/scientific_software_management/slides.tex
@@ -11,49 +11,80 @@
 	\begin{frame}{These Slides}
 		Type one link, click all others:
-			\item Download \textcolor{lg}{\href{http://chymera.eu/pres/ld_packaging-sci/pres.pdf}{\texttt{chymera.eu/pres/ld\_foss/pres.pdf}}}
+			\item Download \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://thealternative.ch/ssm/slides.tex}{\texttt{thealternative.ch/ssm/slides.tex}}}
-		\subsection{... for the Demo Session}
+		\subsection{... for the demo session}
 				Linux and MacOS:
 					\item check that you can run
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|ssh userXX@|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|ssh YOURUSER@|
 					\item Download and launch “Git for Windows” from \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://git-for-windows.github.io}{\texttt{git-for-windows.github.io}}}
 					\item check that you can run
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|ssh userXX@|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|ssh YOURUSER@|
-			\begin{frame}{GitHub Account}
+			\begin{frame}{Command Line Text Editor}
+				Usable via SSH and ubiquitous. There are many alternatives, but here we use \textcolor{lg}{\texttt{nano}}:
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Open file
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|nano file|
+					\item Save via: \keys{Ctrl + c}
+					\item Exit via: \keys{Ctrl + x}
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Git and Social Coding}
+				Git needs to know who you are.
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item On the server, run:
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git config --global user.name "Your Name"|
+					\vspace{-3.1em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git config --global user.email yourname@example.com|
+				\end{itemize}
 				GitHub is a \textbf{social coding platform} providing free accounts:
 					\item Register under \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com}{\texttt{github.com}}}
+					\item Use a password which you can remember.
-		\subsection{What is Packaging?}
+		\subsection{What is software management?}
 			\begin{frame}{The Package}
+				\begin{center}
+					\textcolor{ldorange}{\Large Better organization for your research!}
+				\end{center}
+				\vspace{1.5em}
 				A package is a software format which is (easily):
+				\begin{multicols}{2}
-					\item distributable (i.e. installable)
+					\item distributable
 					\item integrated
 					\item testable
 					\item updateable
 					\item uninstallable
 					\item understandable
+				\end{multicols}
 			\begin{frame}{Package Management --- best done automatically}
 					Packages interact in complex and nontrivial manners:
-						\item architecture requirements
-						\item dependencies (incl. blockers, version-dependent behaviour, static/dynamic linking)
+						\item version-dependent behaviour
+						\item optional features
+						\item incompatibilities
+						\item static/dynamic linking
@@ -68,14 +99,14 @@
-					\caption{Rudimentary overview of binary package distribution workflow.}
+					\caption{Rudimentary overview of binary package distribution.}
 							\item Faster installation
-							\item More reproducible installation
+							\item Less variable installation
@@ -86,11 +117,11 @@
-			\begin{frame}{Source Packages}
+			\begin{frame}{Source-Based Packages}
-					\caption{Rudimentary overview of source distribution workflow.}
+					\caption{Rudimentary overview of source-based package distribution.}
@@ -109,16 +140,14 @@
-		\subsection{Why Package my Software?}
-			\begin{frame}{Recognition}
+		\subsection{Why does open science require package management?}
+			\begin{frame}{Quality}
-					\item Establish proof of authorship.
-					\item Publicize your innovative workflows, solutions, data structures.
-					\item Create a handle for attribution (including DOI), e.g:
-					\begin{itemize}
-						\item BehavioPy: \textcolor{lg}{\href{http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.188169}{\texttt{10.5281/zenodo.188169}}}
-						\item Nipype: \textcolor{lg}{\href{http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50186}{\texttt{10.5281/zenodo.50186}}}
-					\end{itemize}
+					\item Make development more transparent.
+					\item Get \textbf{constructive} feedback.
+					\item Ask for help with concrete reproducible examples.
+					\item Easily manage \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/gentoo-science/sci/issues}{\texttt{bugs/issues}}} and \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/gentoo-science/sci/pulls}{\texttt{conributions}}}.
+					\item Implement proper version tracking.
@@ -128,34 +157,37 @@
 					\item Retain more users.
-			\begin{frame}{Quality}
+			\begin{frame}{Recognition}
-					\item Make development more transparent.
-					\item Get \textbf{constructive} feedback.
-					\item Ask for help with concrete reproducible examples.
-					\item Easily manage \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/gentoo-science/sci/issues}{\texttt{bugs/issues}}} and \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/gentoo-science/sci/pulls}{\texttt{conributions}}}.
-					\item Implement proper version tracking.
+					\item Establish proof of authorship.
+					\item Publicize your innovative workflows, solutions, data structures.
+					\item Create a handle for attribution (including DOI), e.g:
+					\begin{itemize}
+						\item BehavioPy: \textcolor{lg}{\href{http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.188169}{\texttt{10.5281/zenodo.188169}}}
+						\item Nipype: \textcolor{lg}{\href{http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50186}{\texttt{10.5281/zenodo.50186}}}
+					\end{itemize}
+				A sustainable project \textbf{cannot} depend on environments remaining unchanged.
+					\item Ensure long-term viability of your software.
 					\item Avoid death-by-PhD.
-					\item Ensure long-term availability of your software.
-					\item Give your funding bodies their money's worth.
+					\item Give your funders their money's worth.
 					\item Develop a lean start-up.
-					\item Maintain a sustainable and affordable infrastructure for your business/employer.
+					\item Maintain a reliable and affordable infrastructure for your work.
 			\begin{frame}{Why Not?}
 					\item Don't be afraid of your software not being “good/unique enough”!
-					\item Don't be wait until your software is “ready”!
+					\item Don't wait until your software is “ready”!
 					\item A lot of research software you are already using is not written by “professional” programmers.
-		\subsection{How Do I Package my Software?}
-			\begin{frame}{Choose an Environment}
+		\subsection{How do I package my software?}
+			\begin{frame}{Choose Appropriate Technologies}
@@ -171,56 +203,67 @@
-			\begin{frame}{Reposit Your Software}
-				\begin{itemize}
-					\item Bitbucket
-					\item GitHub
-					\item GitLab
-					\item ...
-				\end{itemize}
-			\end{frame}
 			\begin{frame}{Python Package Distribution}
-					\column{.4\linewidth}
+					\column{.55\linewidth}
 					You can package your python software by writing \textbf{one short} file.
-							\item Python provides its own package management, e.g. via \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://packaging.python.org/distributing/}{\texttt{setuptools}}}.
+							\item Python provides its own limited package management, e.g. via \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://packaging.python.org/distributing/}{\texttt{setuptools}}}.
 							\item Package metadata saved in \texttt{setup.py}, e.g. \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI/blob/master/setup.py}{\texttt{SAMRI/setup.py}}}
-					\column{.6\linewidth}
-						\begin{figure}
-							\centering
-							\includegraphics[width=0.9\textheight]{img/sp.png}
-						\end{figure}
+					\column{.45\linewidth}
+						\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\Tiny,tabsize=4]{python}{samri/setup.py}
 			\begin{frame}{Gentoo Packages}
-					\column{.4\linewidth}
-					You can package your software for Gentoo by writing \textbf{one short} file.
+					\column{.55\linewidth}
+					A Gentoo package is \textbf{one short} file.
-							\item Gentoo packages metadata/instruction text files
-							\item The Gentoo package manager understands external package management formats, e.g. as seen in  \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/TheChymera/overlay/blob/master/sci-biology/samri/samri-9999.ebuild}{\texttt{=sci-biology/samri-9999}}}
+							\item regardless of the programming language
+							\item can automatically interpret information contained in the package, e.g. in \textcolor{lg}{\texttt{setup.py}}
-					\column{.6\linewidth}
-						\begin{figure}
-							\centering
-							\includegraphics[width=0.7\textheight]{img/eb.png}
-						\end{figure}
+					\column{.47\linewidth}
+						\vspace{-3em}
+						\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\Tiny,tabsize=4,firstline=1,lastline=36]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+						\vspace{-3.2em}
+						\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\Tiny,tabsize=4,firstline=47,lastline=49]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+			\begin{frame}{Reposit Your Software}
+				\begin{figure}
+				\centering
+					\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{img/git.png}
+					\caption{Git Logo by Jason Long (\href{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}{CC-BY-3.0})}
+				\end{figure}
+				You can self-host, but hosting also available via social coding platforms:
+				\begin{multicols}{3}
+					\begin{itemize}
+						\item GitLab
+						\item GitHub
+						\item Bitbucket
+					\end{itemize}
+				\end{multicols}
+			\end{frame}
 		\subsection{Put what you have learned into practice, and start typing...}
 			\begin{frame}{A Few Basic Gentoo Commands}
 					\item check available package names, versions, and details
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|eix samri|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|eix nibabel|
 					\item see package dependencies
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|equery g samri|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|equery g nibabel|
 					\item see what packages depend on a said package
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|equery d nipype|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|equery d nibabel|
+					\item see files installed by package
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|equery f nibabel|
 					\item try to install a new package
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|emerge -p =nilearn-|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|emerge -p nibabel|
 			\begin{frame}{Reproduce a Scientific Article}
@@ -229,22 +272,26 @@
 					\item Get the source code for brand-new articles:
 						\item Work-in-progress (reexecution time \SI{\approx 3}{\second})
-						\vspace{-0.5em}
+						\vspace{-0.6em}
 						\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git clone https://gitlab.com/Chymera/nvcz.git |
 						\item Preprint (reexecution time \SI{\approx 2}{\minute})
-						\vspace{-0.5em}
-						\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git clone git clone https://bitbucket.org/TheChymera/irsabi.git |
+						\vspace{-0.6em}
+						\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git clone https://bitbucket.org/TheChymera/irsabi.git |
 					\item Switch to article directory
-					\vspace{-0.5em}
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
 					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|cd nvcz|
 					\item Attempt to reexecute
-					\vspace{-0.5em}
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
 					%\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git chechout 28b5d2d1|
 			\begin{frame}{What happened? Dependency requirements happened.}
+				\begin{center}
+					\textcolor{ldorange}{\Large But you can solve the issue yourself!}
+				\end{center}
+				\vspace{2em}
 				Write a new package atom for the package manager.
 					\item Gentoo Linux makes this wholly autonomous.
@@ -255,28 +302,130 @@
-			\begin{frame}{Write an ebuild}
+			\begin{frame}{Write a Package Atom --- The Overlay}
-					\Item Fork an overlay on GitHub.
-					\textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/TheChymera/overlay}{\texttt{github.com/TheChymera/overlay}}}
+					\item Fork an overlay on GitHub, e.g. from \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/TheChymera/overlay}{\texttt{github.com/TheChymera/overlay}}}
+					\begin{figure}
+						\vspace{-0.1em}
+						\includegraphics[width=0.94\textwidth]{img/fork.png}
+					\end{figure}
 					\item Go back to your home directory.
-					\vspace{-0.5em}
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
 					\item Clone your fork of the overlay.
-					\vspace{-0.5em}
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git clone https://github.com/TheChymera/overlay.git|
-					\item Clone your fork of the overlay.
-					\vspace{-0.5em}
-					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git clone https://github.com/TheChymera/overlay.git|
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git clone https://github.com/YourName/overlay.git|
+					\item Make the ebuild directory, and navigate into it.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|mkdir -p overlay/sci-biology/samri && cd $_|%stopzone
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Transparency means less work for you!}
+				You could write the following files from scratch, but you can also reuse analogous files from existing packages.
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Copy a metadata file from a Python package
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|cp /usr/portage/sci-libs/nibabel/metadata.xml .|
+					\item Copy an ebuild file from a Python package
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|cp /usr/portage/sci-libs/nibabel/*2.5.1.ebuild samri-0.4.ebuild|
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Write a Package Atom --- The Metadata File}
+				\vspace{-0.9em}
+				\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\scriptsize,tabsize=4]{xml}{samri/metadata.xml}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Write a Package Atom --- The Ebuild (header excerpt)}
+				\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\scriptsize,tabsize=4,firstline=1,lastline=17]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Write a Package Atom --- The Ebuild (dependency excerpts)}
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Compile-time dependency example:
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\scriptsize,tabsize=4,firstline=18,lastline=25]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+					\item Run-time dependency DIY (fill out, consulting \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI}{\texttt{github.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI}}}):
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\scriptsize,tabsize=4,firstline=26,lastline=29]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+					\vspace{-3em}
+					\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\scriptsize,tabsize=4,firstline=47,lastline=47]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Write a Package Atom --- Finishing Touches}
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Not all packages are perfect. Append the following to the ebuild.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\inputminted[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\scriptsize,tabsize=4,firstline=49,lastline=49]{bash}{samri/samri-0.4.ebuild}
+					\item Check your work.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|wget https://thealternative.ch/ssm/samri/samri-0.4.ebuild -P ~|
+					\vspace{-3.1em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|colordiff ~/samri-0.4.ebuild samri-0.4.ebuild|
+					\vspace{-3.1em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|wget https://thealternative.ch/ssm/samri/metadata.xml -P ~|
+					\vspace{-3.1em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|colordiff ~/metadata.xml metadata.xml|
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Social Coding --- Upload Your Package for Reuse}
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Quality Control.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|repoman full|
+					\item Record and publish your work in version control.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git commit -a && git push origin master|
+					\item Include your work in widely used overlay: visit \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/YourName/overlay}{\texttt{github.com/YourName/overlay}}}.
+					\begin{figure}
+						\vspace{-0.1em}
+						\includegraphics[width=0.94\textwidth]{img/pr.png}
+					\end{figure}
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{Use Your Work}
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Package index update (done by the superuser).
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|eix-sync|
+					\item Try out the install command yourself.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|emerge -pv samri|
+					\item Install (done by the superuser).
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|emerge -v samri|
+				\end{itemize}
+			\end{frame}
+			\begin{frame}{The Article Environment is Now Reproducible}
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Navigate back to the article directory.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|cd ~/nvcz|
+					\item Compile.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|./compile|
+					\item Log out from SSH: \keys{Ctrl + d}
+					\item Get the document locally.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|scp YOURUSER@ .|
-			\begin{frame}{Write Packaged Free and Open Source Scientific Software}
-				\begin{enumerate}
-					\item correct URL in \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI/blob/master/setup.py}{\texttt{SAMRI/setup.py}}}
-					\item Add notice of dependency on nilearn in \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/IBT-FMI/SAMRI/blob/master/README.md}{\texttt{SAMRI/README.md}}}
-					\item Add notice of dependency on nilearn in \textcolor{lg}{\href{https://github.com/TheChymera/overlay/blob/master/sci-biology/samri/samri-9999.ebuild}{\texttt{=sci-biology/samri-9999}}}
-					\item Remove \texttt{dcmstack} import and dependency from the SAMRI source and the Gentoo SAMRI package
-				\end{enumerate}
+			\begin{frame}{And the Article is now Automated}
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Log back in and navigate to article directory.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|ssh YOURUSER@|
+					\vspace{-3.1em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|cd nvcz|
+					\item Automatically adjust the t-statistic threshold for the entire document.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}:grep -rlI 3\.5 | xargs sed -i -e "s/3.5/3.0/g":
+					\item Visualize what you have changed.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|git diff|
+					\item Compile, log out.
+					\item Get the document locally.
+					\vspace{-0.6em}
+					\mint[bgcolor=tlg,fontsize=\footnotesize]{bash}|scp YOURUSER@ newarticle.pdf|
+				\end{itemize}
@@ -290,19 +439,20 @@
 					\textcolor{lg}{in a few minutes}
 					\item Get help with running your own Gentoo Linux data analysis server\\
 					\textcolor{lg}{in a few hours}
-					\item Spread the word\\
+					\item Spread package management in your field\\
 					\textcolor{lg}{tomorrow at work}
 			\begin{frame}{These Slides}
-					\item \textcolor{lg}{Latest Slides:}\\ \url{http://chymera.eu/pres/ld_packaging-sci/pres.pdf}
-					\item \textcolor{lg}{Source:}\\ \url{https://bitbucket.org/TheChymera/ld_packaging-sci/}
+					\item \textcolor{lg}{Latest Slides:}\\
+					\texttt{\href{https://thealternative.ch/ssm/slides.tex}{thealternative.ch/ssm/slides.tex}}
+					\item \textcolor{lg}{Source:}\\
+					\texttt{\href{https://gitlab.ethz.ch/thealternative/courses/tree/master/scientific_software_management}{\footnotesize gitlab.ethz.ch/thealternative/courses/tree/master/scientific\_software\_management}}
 				%separate sources from info so it looks nicer
 					\item \textcolor{lg}{License:} \href{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}{CC BY-SA 3.0}
-					\item \small\textcolor{lg}{Special Thanks to} Mickey Vaenskae