import m from 'mithril'; import Stream from 'mithril/stream'; import { List, ListTile, Search, IconButton, Button, Toolbar, ToolbarTitle, } from 'polythene-mithril'; import infinite from 'mithril-infinite'; import { icons, BackButton, ClearButton, SearchIcon } from './elements'; class SearchField { oninit() { this.value = Stream(''); this.setInputState = Stream(); // const clear = () => setInputState()({ value: '', focus: false}); this.clear = () => this.value(''); this.leave = () => this.value(''); } view({ state, attrs }) { // incoming value and focus added for result list example: const value = attrs.value !== undefined ? attrs.value : state.value(); return m(Search, Object.assign( {}, { textfield: { label: 'type here', onChange: (newState) => { state.value(newState.value); state.setInputState(newState.setInputState); // onChange callback added for result list example: if (attrs.onChange) attrs.onChange(newState, state.setInputState); }, value, defaultValue: attrs.defaultValue, }, buttons: { focus: { before: m(BackButton, { leave: state.leave }), }, focus_dirty: { before: m(BackButton, { leave: state.leave }), after: m(ClearButton, { clear: state.clear }), }, dirty: { before: m(BackButton, { leave: state.leave }), after: m(ClearButton, { clear: state.clear }), }, }, }, attrs, )); } } export default class SelectList { constructor({ attrs: { listTileAttrs, onSelect = false } }) { this.showList = false; this.searchValue = ''; this.listTileAttrs = listTileAttrs; this.onSelect = onSelect; // initialize the Selection this.selected = null; } onupdate({ attrs: { selection = null } }) { // make it possible to change the selection from outside, e.g. to set the field to an // existing group moderator if (selection) this.selected = selection; } item() { return (data) => { const attrs = { compactFront: true, hoverable: true, className: 'themed-list-tile', events: { onclick: () => { if (this.onSelect) { this.onSelect(data); } this.selected = data; this.showList = false; }, }, }; // Overwrite default attrs Object.assign(attrs, this.listTileAttrs(data)); return m(ListTile, attrs); }; } view({ attrs: { controller, onSubmit = false, onCancel = false, selectedText, }, }) { return m('div', [ m(Toolbar, { compact: true, style: { background: 'rgb(78, 242, 167)' } }, this.selected ? [ m(IconButton, { icon: { svg: }, ink: false, events: { onclick: () => { if (this.onSelect) { this.onSelect(null); } this.selected = null; }, }, }), m(ToolbarTitle, { text: selectedText(this.selected) }), onSubmit ? m(Button, { label: 'Submit', className: 'blue-button', events: { onclick: () => { onSubmit(this.selected); this.selected = null; controller.setSearch(''); controller.refresh(); }, }, }) : '', ] : [ m(SearchField, Object.assign({}, { style: { background: 'rgb(78, 242, 167)' }, onChange: ({ value, focus }) => { // onChange is called either if the value or focus fo the SearchField // changes. // At value change we want to update the search // at focus changt we hie the list of results. As focus change also // happens while clicking on an item in the list of results, the list // is hidden after a short Timeout that has to be sufficiently long // to register the onclick of the listitem. Can be a problem for different // OS and browsers. if (focus) { this.showList = true; } else if (!focus) { // don't close the list immidiately, as 'out of focus' could // also mean that the user is clicking on a list item setTimeout(() => { this.showList = false; m.redraw(); }, 500); } if (value !== this.searchValue) { // if we always update the search value, this would also happen // immidiately in the moment where we click on the listitem. // Then, the list get's updated before the click is registered. // So, we make sure this state change is due to value change and // not due to focus change. this.searchValue = value; controller.debouncedSearch(value); } }, })), onCancel ? m(Button, { label: 'cancel', className: 'blue-button', events: { onclick: onCancel }, }) : '', ]), (this.showList && !this.selected) ? m(List, { style: { height: '400px', 'background-color': 'white' }, tiles: m(infinite, controller.infiniteScrollParams(this.item())), }) : '', ]); } }