import m from 'mithril'; import { RaisedButton } from 'polythene-mithril'; import { fileInput } from 'amiv-web-ui-components'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions import { apiUrl } from 'networkConfig'; import EditView from '../views/editView'; export default class newJob extends EditView { view() { const buttonRight = m(RaisedButton, { label: 'next', disabled: this.currentpage === 5, events: { onclick: () => { this.currentpage = Math.min(this.currentpage + 1, 5); }, }, }); const buttonLeft = m(RaisedButton, { label: 'previous', disabled: this.currentpage === 1, events: { onclick: () => { this.currentpage = Math.max(1, this.currentpage - 1); }, }, }); const title = [ 'Job Description', 'Advertisement', 'Logo'][this.currentpage - 1]; return this.layout([ m('h3', title), buttonLeft,' '), buttonRight, m('br'), m('div', { style: { display: (this.currentpage === 1) ? 'block' : 'none' }, }, this.form.renderPage({ title_en: { type: 'text', label: 'English Job Title' }, description_en: { type: 'text', label: 'English Description', multiLine: true, rows: 5, }, title_de: { type: 'text', label: 'German Job Title' }, description_de: { type: 'text', label: 'German Description', multiLine: true, rows: 5, }, // location: { type: 'text', label: 'Location' }, time_end: { type: 'datetime', label: 'Prospective Job End Time' }, time_start: { type: 'datetime', label: 'Desired Job Start Time', hint: 'If as soon as possible, write nothing.', }, })), m('div', { style: { display: (this.currentpage === 2) ? 'block' : 'none' }, }, [ ...this.form.renderPage({ time_advertising_start: { type: 'datetime', label: 'Start of Advertisement on Website', required: false, }, time_advertising_end: { type: 'datetime', label: 'End of Advertisement on Website', required: false, }, }), ...this.form.renderPage({ show_website: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Advertise on Website' }, }), ]), m('div', { style: { display: (this.currentpage === 3) ? 'block' : 'none' }, }, [ ['logo'].map(key => [ // think about adding a thumbnail.[`img_${key}`] ? m('img', { src: `${apiUrl}${[`img_${key}`].file}`, style: { 'max-height': '50px', 'max-width': '100px' }, }) : m('div', `currently no ${key} image set`), m(fileInput, this.form.bind({ name: `new_${key}`, label: `New ${key} Image`, accept: 'image/png, image/jpeg', })), ]), ]), ]); } }