import m from 'mithril'; import infinite from 'mithril-infinite'; import { List, ListTile, Toolbar, Search, Button } from 'polythene-mithril'; import 'polythene-css'; import { styler } from 'polythene-core-css'; import { chip, icons } from './elements'; const tableStyles = [ { '.toolbar': { 'grid-row': 1, display: 'flex', }, '.tableTile': { padding: '10px', 'border-bottom': '1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)', 'align-items': 'center', }, }, ]; styler.add('tableview', tableStyles); class FilterChip { view({ attrs: { selected = false, onclick = () => {} }, children }) { return m(chip, { 'margin-left': '5px', 'margin-right': '5px', background: selected ? '#aaaaaa' : '#dddddd', svgBackground: '#aaaaaa', textColor: selected ? '#000000' : '#999999', svgColor: '#000000', svg: selected ? icons.checked : null, onclick, }, children); } } export default class TableView { /* Shows a table of objects for a given API resource. * * Required attributes: * vnode: { attrs: { controller, titles, keys } } * - controller: a listcontroller for some API resource data * - titles: the titles of the table * - keys: Keys of this resource to display as columns, e.g. ['firstname'] * Works with embedded resources, i.e. if you add * { embedded: { event: 1 } } to a list of eventsignups, * you can display event.title_de as a table key * - filters: list of list of objects, each inner list is a group of mutual exclusive * filters. * A filter can have properties 'name', 'query' and optionally 'selected' for * the initial selection state. */ constructor({ attrs: { keys, tileContent, filters = null, clickOnRows = (data) => { m.route.set(`/${data._links.self.href}`); }, }, }) { = ''; this.tableKeys = keys; this.tileContent = tileContent; this.clickOnRows = clickOnRows; this.searchValue = ''; // make a copy of filters so we can toggle the selected status this.filters = filters ? => => Object.assign({}, filter))) : null; } /* * initFilterIdxs lets you specify the filters that are active at initialization. * They are specified as index to the nexted filterGroups array. */ oninit({ attrs: { controller, initFilterIdxs = [] } }) { if (this.filters) { initFilterIdxs.forEach((filterIdx) => { this.filters[filterIdx[0]][filterIdx[1]].selected = true; }); // update filters in controller controller.setFilter(this.getSelectedFilterQuery()); } } getItemData(data) { return => { // Access a nested key, indicated by dot-notation let nestedData = data; key.split('.').forEach((subKey) => { nestedData = nestedData[subKey]; }); return m( 'div', { style: { width: `${98 / this.tableKeys.length}%` } }, nestedData, ); }); } item() { return data => m(ListTile, { className: 'themed-list-tile', hoverable: this.clickOnRows, compactFront: true, compact: true, content: m('div', { onclick: () => { if (this.clickOnRows) this.clickOnRows(data); }, className: 'tableTile', style: { width: '100%', display: 'flex' }, }, this.tileContent ? this.tileContent(data) : this.getItemData(data)), }); } getSelectedFilterQuery() { // produce a list of queries from the filters that are currently selected const selectedFilters = [].concat( => filterGroup.filter(filter => filter.selected === true).map(filter => filter.query))); // now merge all queries into one new object return Object.assign({}, ...selectedFilters); } view({ attrs: { controller, titles, onAdd = false, tableHeight = false, }, }) { return m('div.tabletool', { style: { display: 'grid', height: '100%', 'grid-template-rows': this.filters ? '48px 40px calc(100% - 78px)' : '48px calc(100% - 78px)', 'background-color': 'white', }, }, [ m(Toolbar, { className: 'toolbar', compact: true, content: [ m(Search, { textfield: { label: 'Search', onChange: ({ value }) => { // this is called not only if the value changes, but also the focus. // we only want to change the search of the value is changed, therefore we // have to track changes in the search value if (value !== this.searchValue) controller.debouncedSearch(value); this.searchValue = value; }, }, fullWidth: false, }), onAdd ? m(Button, { className: 'blue-button', borders: true, label: 'Add', events: { onclick: () => { onAdd(); } }, }) : '', ], }), // please beare with this code, it is the only way possible to track the selection // status of all the filters of the same group and make sure that they are really // mutually exclusive (that way when you click on one filter in the group, the other // ones in this group will be deselected) this.filters && m('div', { style: { height: '40px', 'overflow-x': 'scroll', 'white-space': 'nowrap', padding: '0px 5px', }, }, [].concat(['Filters: '], ...[...this.filters.keys()].map(filterGroupIdx => [...this.filters[filterGroupIdx].keys()].map((filterIdx) => { const thisFilter = this.filters[filterGroupIdx][filterIdx]; return m(FilterChip, { selected: thisFilter.selected, onclick: () => { if (!thisFilter.selected) { // set all filters in this group to false [...this.filters[filterGroupIdx].keys()].forEach((i) => { this.filters[filterGroupIdx][i].selected = false; }); // now set this filter to selected this.filters[filterGroupIdx][filterIdx].selected = true; } else { this.filters[filterGroupIdx][filterIdx].selected = false; } // update filters in controller controller.setFilter(this.getSelectedFilterQuery()); }, },; })))), m(List, { className: 'scrollTable', style: { 'grid-row': this.filters ? 3 : 2, ...tableHeight ? { height: tableHeight } : {}, }, tiles: [ m(ListTile, { className: 'tableTile', content: m( 'div', { style: { width: '100%', display: 'flex' } }, // Either titles is a list of titles that are distributed equally, // or it is a list of objects with text and width => m('div', { style: { width: title.width || `${98 / this.tableKeys.length}%` }, }, title.width ? title.text : title)), ), }), m(infinite, controller.infiniteScrollParams(this.item())), ], }), ]); } }