(function(window) { 'use strict'; // Library NameSpace var lns = 'amivcore' function libgen() { // Lib to returned var lib = {}; // Core var core = { // Important vars n' stuff lib: { api_url: 'https://amiv-apidev.vsos.ethz.ch', // api_url: '', spec_url: 'lib/amiv/spec.json', //spec_url: 'https://nicco.io/amiv/docs/spec.json', authenticated: false, ready: false, req_time_out: 5000, on_interval: 100, auth_interval: 5000, auth_allowed_fails: 5, auth_fails: 0, show_errors: false, }, // Header Setup header: { req: { 'get': ['Content-Type', 'Authorization'], 'post': ['Content-Type', 'Authorization'], 'put': ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'If-Match'], 'patch': ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'If-Match'], 'delete': ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'If-Match'], }, make: { 'Content-Type': function() { return 'application/json' }, 'Authorization': function() { if (get('cur_token') != null) return 'Basic ' + btoa(get('cur_token') + ':'); return ''; }, 'If-Match': function() { return null; } } }, adapter: { 'none': function(ret) { return ret; }, 'string': function(strg) { return String(strg); }, 'integer': function(int) { return parseInt(int); }, 'boolean': function(bool) { return (String(bool).trim().toLowerCase() == 'true' || bool === true || bool === 1) }, 'datetime': function(dt) { var tmp = new Date(dt); return new Date(dt).toISOString().split('.')[0]+"Z"; } } } // Utility empty function for no callback function dummy() {}; //Save and get into localStorage function set(cname, cvalue, exdays) { window.localStorage.setItem('glob-' + cname, cvalue); } function get(cname) { return window.localStorage.getItem('glob-' + cname); } // Make Request function req(attr, callback) { callback = callback || function(msg) { console.log(msg); }; $.ajax({ url: core.lib.api_url + attr.path, data: attr.data, method: attr.method, dataType: 'json', timeout: core.lib.req_time_out, headers: attr.headers, error: function(res) { if (core.lib.show_errors) console.log(res); callback(res); }, }).done(function(res) { callback(res); }); } function makeFunc(domain, m) { return function(attr, callback) { attr = attr || {}; var curLib = {} for (var curAttr in attr['data']) { var curAttrType = lib.getParamType(domain, curAttr); if (core.adapter.hasOwnProperty(curAttrType)) curLib[curAttr] = core.adapter[lib.getParamType(domain, curAttr)](attr['data'][curAttr]); else curLib[curAttr] = attr['data'][curAttr]; } //curLib[curAttr] = attr['data'][curAttr]; var hdr = {}; for (var curHdr in attr['header']) hdr[curHdr] = attr['header'][curHdr]; var curPath = '/' + domain; var curLink = curPath; if (attr['id'] != undefined) { curPath += '/' + attr['id']; curLink += '/{_id}'; } if (get('cur_token') != null) hdr['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + btoa(get('cur_token') + ':'); if (m != 'GET') { if (m == 'POST' || m == 'PUT') for (var param in lib[domain]['methods'][m][curLink]['params']) if (lib[domain]['methods'][m][curLink]['params'][param]['required'] == true) if (curLib[lib[domain]['methods'][m][curLink]['params'][param]['name']] == undefined) return 'Error: Missing ' + lib[domain]['methods'][m][curLink]['params'][param]['name']; hdr['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; curLib = JSON.stringify(curLib); } req({ path: curPath, method: m, data: curLib, headers: hdr, }, callback); return true; }; } $.ajax({ url: core.lib.spec_url, dataType: 'json', timeout: 5000, success: function(d) { var data = d['domains']; for (var domain in data) { lib[domain] = {}; lib[domain].methods = []; for (var p in data[domain]['paths']) { for (var m in data[domain]['paths'][p]) { if (lib[domain].methods[m] == undefined) lib[domain].methods[m] = {}; lib[domain].methods[m][p] = data[domain]['paths'][p][m]; } } for (var m in lib[domain]['methods']) { lib[domain][m] = makeFunc(domain, m); } } checkAuth(); }, error: function(d) { console.log('Cannot reach initialization spec: ' + core.lib.spec_url); console.log(d); } }); function checkAuth(exec_once) { exec_once = exec_once || false; if (get('cur_token') != null) { lib.sessions.GET({ data: { where: 'token==["' + get('cur_token') + '"]' } }, function(res) { if (res !== undefined && res.hasOwnProperty('_items') && res['_items'].length > 0) { core.lib.authenticated = true; core.lib.auth_fails = 0; } else { core.lib.auth_allowed_fails++; if (core.lib.auth_fails > core.lib.auth_allowed_fails) core.lib.authenticated = false; } core.lib.ready = true; // if (!exec_once) // setTimeout(checkAuth, core.lib.auth_interval); }); } else { core.lib.authenticated = false; core.lib.ready = true; if (!exec_once) setTimeout(checkAuth, core.lib.auth_interval); } } // Get parameter type lib.getParamType = function(dom, param) { var tmp = 'none'; try { if (Array.isArray(lib[dom].methods.POST['/' + dom].params)) lib[dom].methods.POST['/' + dom].params.forEach(function(cur) { if (cur.name == param) { tmp = cur.type; } }); } catch (e) {} return tmp; } // Get the etag lib.getEtag = function(curDomain, curId, callback) { return lib[curDomain].GET({ id: curId }, function(res) { callback(res['_etag']); }); } // Returns whether user is logged in lib.authenticated = function() { return core.lib.authenticated; } // Login function lib.login = function(curUser, curPass, callback) { callback = callback || dummy; req({ path: '/sessions/', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ username: curUser.toLowerCase(), password: curPass }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }, function(msg) { var reqVar = ['token', 'user_id', 'id']; for (var i in reqVar) { lib['cur_' + reqVar[i]] = msg[reqVar[i]]; } if (msg['_status'] == 'OK') { set('cur_token_id', msg['id'], 1); set('cur_token', msg['token'], 1); set('cur_user_id', parseInt(msg['user_id']), 1); checkAuth(); callback(true); } else { set('cur_token_id', null); set('cur_token', null); set('cur_user_id', null); callback(false); } }); } // Logout lib.logout = function() { // Deleting token from api and unsetting the vars lib.sessions.DELETE({ id: get('cur_token_id') }, function(res) { set('cur_token', null); set('cur_token_id', null); set('cur_user_id', null); checkAuth(); }); } // Get info about the current user lib.user = function(attr, callback) { callback = callback || dummy; lib.users.GET({ id: get('cur_user_id') }, function(res) { if (typeof attr === 'object') { var ret = {}; for (var key in attr) ret[attr[key]] = res[attr[key]]; callback(ret); } else { callback(res[attr]); } }); } // Get the necessary field for specific requests lib.getRequiredFields = function(domain, type, wId) { var curTree; var resAttr = {}; if (wId) curTree = lib[domain]['methods'][type]['/' + domain + '/{_id}']['params']; else curTree = lib[domain]['methods'][type]['/' + domain]['params']; if (curTree.length == 0) return false; else { for (var i = 0; i < curTree.length; i++) if (curTree[i].required == true) resAttr[curTree[i].name] = curTree[i]; } return resAttr; } //On function lib.on = function(trigger, callback) { if (callback) { lib.on_mem[trigger].callback = callback; lib.on_mem[trigger].func(); } } lib.on_mem = { ready: { func: function() { if (core.lib.ready) lib.on_mem.ready.callback(); else setTimeout(function() { lib.on_mem.ready.func(); }, core.lib.on_interval); } }, login: { func: function() { if (core.lib.authenticated && !lib.on_mem.login.prev) lib.on_mem.login.callback(); lib.on_mem.login.prev = core.lib.authenticated; setTimeout(lib.on_mem.login.func, core.lib.on_interval); }, prev: false, }, logout: { func: function() { if (!core.lib.authenticated && lib.on_mem.logout.prev) lib.on_mem.logout.callback(); lib.on_mem.logout.prev = core.lib.authenticated; setTimeout(lib.on_mem.logout.func, core.lib.on_interval); }, prev: false, }, } return lib; } if (typeof(window[lns]) === 'undefined') { window[lns] = libgen(); } else { console.log(lns + ' already defined, please solve conflict'); } })(window);