import m from 'mithril'; import { Button, RaisedButton, Card, Toolbar, ToolbarTitle, TextField, Icon, IconButton } from 'polythene-mithril'; import { icons, Property } from '../views/elements'; import ItemView from '../views/itemView'; import TableView from '../views/tableView'; import DatalistController from '../listcontroller'; import SelectList from '../views/selectList'; // Helper class to either display the signed up participants or those on the // waiting list. class MembersTable { constructor({ attrs: { group } }) { this.group_id = group; this.ctrl = new DatalistController('groupmemberships', { embedded: { user: 1 }, where: { group }, }, ['', 'user.firstname', 'user.lastname'], false); // true while in the modus of adding a member this.addmode = false; this.userController = new DatalistController( 'users', {}, ['firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'nethz'], ); } itemRow(data) { // TODO list should not have hardcoded size outside of stylesheet return [ m('div', { style: { width: '18em' } }, `${data.user.firstname} ${data.user.lastname}`), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } },, m('div', { style: { 'flex-grow': '100' } }), m('div', m(Button, { // Button to remove this groupmembership className: 'red-row-button', borders: false, label: 'remove', events: { onclick: () => { this.ctrl.handler.delete(data).then(() => { this.ctrl.refresh(); }); }, }, })), ]; } view() { return m(Card, { style: { height: '500px' }, content: m('div', [ this.addmode ? m(SelectList, { controller: this.userController, listTileAttrs: user => Object.assign({}, { title: `${user.firstname} ${user.lastname}` }), onSubmit: (user) => { this.addmode = false;{ user: user._id, group: this.group_id, }).then(() => { this.ctrl.refresh(); m.redraw(); }); }, onCancel: () => { this.addmode = false; m.redraw(); }, selectedText: user => `${user.firstname} ${user.lastname}`, }) : '', m(TableView, { tableHeight: '420px', controller: this.ctrl, keys: ['user.lastname', 'user.firstname', ''], tileContent: data => this.itemRow(data), clickOnRows: false, onAdd: () => { this.addmode = true; }, titles: [ { text: 'Name', width: '18em' }, { text: 'Email', width: '9em' }, ], }), ]), }); } } // Table for list of email adresses, both forward_to and receive class EmailTable { constructor({ attrs: { onRemove = () => {} } }) { this.addmode = false; this.dirty = false; this.newvalue = ''; this.onRemove = onRemove; } item(data) { return m('div', { style: { margin: '10px', padding: '5px', height: '30px', 'background-color': '#dddddd', }, }, [ data, m(Icon, { style: { 'margin-left': '3px' }, svg: { content: }, size: 'small', events: { onclick: () => { this.onRemove(data); }, }, }), ]); } view({ attrs: { list, onSubmit = () => {} } }) { return m(Card, { style: { height: '200px' }, content: m('div', [ this.addmode ? m(Toolbar, { compact: true, style: { background: 'rgb(78, 242, 167)' }, }, [ m(TextField, { label: 'enter email address', type: 'email', onChange: ({ value }) => { this.dirty = value !== ''; this.newvalue = value; }, }), m(Button, { label: this.dirty ? 'Submit' : 'Cancel', className: 'blue-button', events: { onclick: () => { if (this.dirty) { onSubmit(this.newvalue); this.addmode = false; this.newvalue = ''; } else { this.addmode = false; } }, }, value: this.newvalue, }), ]) : '', m(Toolbar, { compact: true }, [ m(ToolbarTitle, { text: 'Receiving Email Adresses' }), m(Button, { className: 'blue-button', borders: true, label: 'add', events: { onclick: () => { this.addmode = true; } }, }), ]), m('div', { style: { padding: '10px', display: 'flex', 'flex-wrap': 'wrap' }, }, => this.item(item))), ]), }); } } export default class viewGroup extends ItemView { constructor() { super('groups', { moderator: 1 }); } oninit() { this.handler.getItem(, this.embedded).then((item) => { = item; m.redraw(); }); } view({ attrs: { onEdit } }) { if (! return ''; return m('div.maincontainer', { style: { height: '100%', 'overflow-y': 'scroll' }, }, [ // Button to edit the Group m(RaisedButton, { element: 'div', label: 'Edit Group', border: true, events: { onclick: onEdit }, }), // this div is the title line m('div.maincontainer', [ m('h1', { style: { 'margin-top': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '0px' } },, ? m(Property, { title: 'Moderator', onclick: () => { m.route.set(`/users/${}`); }, }, `${} ${}`) : '', ? m(IconButton, { label: 'has a folder on the AMIV Cloud', style: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: 'orange' }, icon: { svg: { content: } }, inactive: true, compact: true, }): '', ]), m('div.viewcontainer', [ // now-column layout: This first column are the members m('div.viewcontainercolumn', [ m('h4', 'Members'), m(MembersTable, { group: }), ]), // the second column contains receive_from and forward_to emails m('div.viewcontainercolumn', [ m(EmailTable, { list: || [], onSubmit: (newItem) => { const oldList = || []; this.handler.patch({ _id:, _etag:, receive_from: [...oldList, newItem], }).then((newData) => { = newData; }); }, onRemove: (item) => { const oldList =; // remove the first occurence of the given item-string const index = oldList.indexOf(item); if (index !== -1) { oldList.splice(index, 1); this.handler.patch({ _id:, _etag:, receive_from: oldList, }).then((newData) => { = newData; }); } }, }), ]), ]), ]); } }