From f2d471d8a3f033c983fb308f40db4033cd0cce89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lioneltrebuchon <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2017 10:41:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Added keydescriptors to json.

 src/config.json | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 src/index.js    | 10 ++--------
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/config.json b/src/config.json
index 1db1a7d..7369fd4 100644
--- a/src/config.json
+++ b/src/config.json
@@ -2,16 +2,41 @@
     "apiUrl": "",
     "Events": {
         "keyDescriptors": {
-            "title_de": "Titel in Deutsch",
+            "title_de": "Titel auf Deutsch",
             "title_en": "Title in English",
-            "location": "Location (Ort) of the event",
-            "allow_email_signup": "Event open for non-AMIV members",
+            "location": "Location (Ort)",
             "show_website": "Event is shown on the website",
-            "priority": "TODO: What type of priority is meant here? Edit priority? Organization prio?"
+            "priority": "TODO: What type of priority is meant here? Edit priority? Organization prio?",
+            "time_end": "Ending time",
+            "time_register_end": "Deadline for registration",
+            "time_start": "Starting time",
+            "spots": "Spots available",
+            "allow_email_signup": "Event open for non-AMIV members",
+            "price": "Price",
+            "signup_count": "Signed-up participants",
+            "catchphrase_en": "Catchphrase in English. Announce and Website.",
+            "catchphrase_de": "Schlagwort auf Deutsch",
+            "description_de": "Beschreibung auf Deutsch",
+            "description_en": "Description in English",
+            "img_banner": "Banner as png",
+            "img_poster": "Poster as png",
+            "img_thumbnail": "Thumbnail as png",
+            "show_infoscreen": "Does the event show on the infoscreen?",
+            "img_infoscreen": "Infoscreen as png",
+            "time_advertising_end": "Advertisment ends on",
+            "time_advertising_start": "Advertisement starts on",
+            "selection_strategy": "TODO what is this?",
+            "show_announce": "Does it belong to announce?",
+            "_id": "TODO Event ID how is this generated?"
         "tableKeys": [
+            "time_end",
+            "time_start",
+            "time_register_end",
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index df09844..f341484 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import LoginScreen from './login';
 import TableView from './views/tableView';
 import { UserModal, UserTable, NewUser } from './userTool';
 import { MembershipView } from './membershipTool';
-import { EventTable, NewEvent } from './eventTool';
+import { EventTable, NewEvent, EventView } from './eventTool';
 import Sidebar from './sidebar';
 import AnnounceTool from './announceTool';
@@ -37,14 +37,8 @@ m.route(root, '/users', {
   '/newusers': layoutWith(NewUser),
   '/groupmemberships/:id': layoutWith(MembershipView),
   '/events': layoutWith(EventTable),
+  '/events/:id': layoutWith(EventView),
   '/newevents': layoutWith(NewEvent),
-    view() {
-      return m(TableView, {
-        resource: 'events',
-        keys: ['title_de', 'time_start', 'show_website', 'spots', 'signup_count'],
-      });
-    },
-  }),
   '/groups': layoutWith({
     view() {
       return m(TableView, {