diff --git a/src/auth.js b/src/auth.js
index 1fd9dad9bd1df35b4c2f8994672e2b94274e65e5..7af3c96017be6df90d902d2342783b3b8888887f 100644
--- a/src/auth.js
+++ b/src/auth.js
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ import config from './resourceConfig.json';
 const APISession = {
   authenticated: false,
   token: '',
-  // user admins are a very special case as the permissions on the resource can only
-  // be seen by requesting users and check whether you see their membership
-  isUserAdmin: false,
+  userID: null,
 const amivapi = axios.create({
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ function resetSession() {
 function checkToken(token) {
   // check if a token is still valid
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    amivapi.get('users', {
+    amivapi.get(`sessions/${token}`, {
       headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: token },
     }).then((response) => {
       if (response.status === 200) resolve(response.data);
@@ -56,14 +54,10 @@ export function checkAuthenticated() {
       console.log(`found this token: ${token}`);
       if (token !== '') {
         // check of token is valid
-        checkToken(token).then((users) => {
+        checkToken(token).then((session) => {
           APISession.token = token;
           APISession.authenticated = true;
-          // if we see the membership of more than 1 person in the response, we
-          // have admin rights on users
-          if (users._items[0].membership && users._items[1].membership) {
-            APISession.isUserAdmin = true;
-          }
+          APISession.userID = session.user;
@@ -108,6 +102,10 @@ export function deleteSession() {
+export function getCurrentUser() {
+  return APISession.userID;
 export class ResourceHandler {
   /* Handler to get and manipulate resource items
@@ -309,7 +307,15 @@ export class OauthRedirect {
       APISession.authenticated = true;
       APISession.token = response.accessToken;
       localStorage.set('token', response.accessToken);
-      m.route.set('/users');
+      amivapi.get(`sessions/${response.accessToken}`, {
+        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: APISession.token },
+      }).then((response) => {
+        console.log(response);
+        APISession.userID = response.data.user;
+        m.route.set('/');
+      }).catch(() => {
+        resetSession();
+      });
     return 'redirecting...';
diff --git a/src/groups/list.js b/src/groups/list.js
index b1982b3a87ed589f2a0f3207fd3967bec18e8994..2683122d04233eec891d729f83147de6eb5d403b 100644
--- a/src/groups/list.js
+++ b/src/groups/list.js
@@ -2,17 +2,21 @@ import m from 'mithril';
 import { Card } from 'polythene-mithril';
 import { DatalistController } from 'amiv-web-ui-components';
 import { loadingScreen } from '../layout';
-import { ResourceHandler } from '../auth';
+import { ResourceHandler, getCurrentUser } from '../auth';
+import { colors } from '../style';
 class GroupListItem {
-  view({ attrs: { name, _id } }) {
+  view({ attrs: { name, _id, color = '#ffffff' } }) {
     return m('div', {
       style: { 'max-width': '500px', margin: '5px' },
       onclick: () => {
-    }, m(Card, { content: [{ primary: { title: name } }] }));
+    }, m(Card, {
+      content: [{ primary: { title: name } }],
+      style: { backgroundColor: color },
+    }));
@@ -24,20 +28,59 @@ export default class GroupList {
       (query, search) => this.handler.get({ search, ...query }),
       { sort: [['name', 1]] },
-    this.data = [];
-    this.ctrl.getFullList().then((list) => { this.data = list; m.redraw(); });
+    this.groups = [];
+    this.moderatedGroups = [];
+    this.ctrl.getFullList().then((list) => {
+      this.groups = list;
+      this.ctrl.setQuery({ where: { moderator: getCurrentUser() } });
+      this.ctrl.getFullList().then((moderatedList) => {
+        this.moderatedGroups = moderatedList;
+        m.redraw();
+      })
+    });
   view() {
-    if (!this.data) return m(loadingScreen);
+    if (!this.groups) return m(loadingScreen);
-    return m(
-      'div.maincontainer', { style: { display: 'flex', 'flex-wrap': 'wrap', 'margin-top': '5px' } },
-      this.data.map(item => m(GroupListItem, item)),
-      m('div', {
-        style: { 'max-width': '500px', margin: '5px' },
-        onclick: () => { m.route.set('/newgroup'); },
-      }, m(Card, { content: [{ primary: { title: '+ add' } }] })),
-    );
+    return m('div', [
+      this.moderatedGroups.length > 0 && m('div.maincontainer', {
+        style: {
+          'margin-top': '5px',
+          'border-bottom': '1px solid #aaaaaa',
+          'padding-bottom': '20px',
+        },
+      }, [
+        m('div', {
+          style: {
+            'font-size': '20px',
+            'margin': '10px 5px'
+          },
+        }, 'moderated by you'),
+        m('div', {
+          style: { display: 'flex', 'flex-wrap': 'wrap' }
+        }, this.moderatedGroups.map(item =>
+          m(GroupListItem, { ...item } ))),
+      ]),
+      m('div.maincontainer', {
+        style: { display: 'flex', 'flex-wrap': 'wrap', 'margin-top': '5px' },
+      }, [
+        this.moderatedGroups.length > 0 && m('div', {
+          style: {
+            'font-size': '20px',
+            'margin': '10px 5px'
+          },
+        }, 'all groups'),
+        m('div', {
+          style: { display: 'flex', 'flex-wrap': 'wrap' }
+        },
+        this.groups.map(item => m(GroupListItem, item)),
+        m('div', {
+          style: { 'max-width': '500px', margin: '5px' },
+          onclick: () => { m.route.set('/newgroup'); },
+        }, m(Card, { content: [{ primary: { title: '+ add' } }] })),
+        ),
+      ]),
+    ]);