From e34850bdeeb444fb09a85334b342cceb9d73e1ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hermann <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 23:50:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] make left menu drawer responsive to screenwidth

 src/layout.js         | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 src/views/elements.js |  1 +
 src/views/itemView.js |  3 +--
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/layout.js b/src/layout.js
index 682190a..d0454cc 100644
--- a/src/layout.js
+++ b/src/layout.js
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
 import m from 'mithril';
-import '@material/drawer';
-import { List, ListTile, Icon, Toolbar, ToolbarTitle, Dialog, SVG } from 'polythene-mithril';
+//import * as mdc from 'material-components-web';
+//import "@material/drawer";
+import { MDCTemporaryDrawer } from '@material/drawer';
+import {
+  List,
+  ListTile,
+  Icon,
+  Toolbar,
+  ToolbarTitle,
+  Dialog,
+  SVG,
+  IconButton,
+} from 'polythene-mithril';
+import { IconButtonCSS } from 'polythene-css';
 import { styler } from 'polythene-core-css';
 import { icons } from './views/elements';
 import { resetSession } from './auth';
-import { colors } from './style'
+import { colors } from './style';
 const layoutStyle = [
-    body: {
-      padding: 0,
-      margin: 0,
-    },
+    body: { padding: 0, margin: 0, overflow: 'hidden' },
     '.main-toolbar': {
       'grid-column': '1 / span 2',
       'grid-row': 1,
@@ -24,24 +33,45 @@ const layoutStyle = [
       'grid-template-rows': '64px auto',
     '.wrapper-sidebar': {
-      'grid-column': 1,
-      'grid-row': 2,
+      '@media (min-width:1200px)': { 'grid-column': 1 },
+      '@media (max-width:1200px)': {
+        position: 'absolute',
+        top: '64px',
+        left: '-200px',
+        width: '200px',
+        'z-index': 100000,
+      },
       height: '100%',
+      'grid-row': 2,
       'overflow-y': 'auto',
       background: '#cccccc',
       color: 'white',
     '.wrapper-content': {
+      '@media (min-width:1200px)': { 'grid-column': 2 },
+      '@media (max-width:1200px)': { 'grid-column': '1 / span 2' },
       height: 'calc(100vh - 64px)',
-      'grid-column': 2,
       'grid-row': 2,
       background: '#eee',
       overflow: 'hidden',
+    '.menu-button': {
+      '@media (min-width:1200px)': { display: 'none' },
+      '@media (max-width:1200px)': { display: 'inline' },
+    },
 styler.add('layout', layoutStyle);
+function toggleDrawer() {
+  const drawer = document.querySelector('.wrapper-sidebar');
+  if ( === '0px') {
+ = '-200px';
+  } else {
+ = '0px';
+  }
 class Menupoint {
   view({ attrs: { title, href, icon = null } }) {
     return m(ListTile, {
@@ -60,17 +90,22 @@ export class Layout {
           className: 'main-toolbar',
           style: { backgroundColor: colors.amiv_blue, color: '#ffffff' },
         }, [
+          m('', m(IconButton, {
+            className: 'menu-button',
+            icon: { svg: { content: } },
+            events: { onclick: () => { toggleDrawer(); } },
+            style: { color: '#ffffff' },
+          })),
           m(ToolbarTitle, { text: 'AMIV Admintools' }),
           m('a', { onclick: resetSession }, 'Logout'),
-          'nav.mdc-drawer.mdc-drawer--permanent.mdc-typography.wrapper-sidebar',
+          'div.mdc-typography.wrapper-sidebar',
           { style: { width: '200px' } },
           m(List, {
             className: 'drawer-menu',
-            header: {
-              title: 'Menu',
-            },
+            header: { title: 'Menu' },
+            hover: true,
             tiles: [
               m(Menupoint, {
                 href: '/users',
diff --git a/src/views/elements.js b/src/views/elements.js
index f43aea8..6635895 100644
--- a/src/views/elements.js
+++ b/src/views/elements.js
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export const icons = {
   email: '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20 4H4c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L2 18c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h16c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 4l-8 5-8-5V6l8 5 8-5v2z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>',
   department: '<svg xmlns="" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M0 0h48v48H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M24 14V6H4v36h40V14H24zM12 38H8v-4h4v4zm0-8H8v-4h4v4zm0-8H8v-4h4v4zm0-8H8v-4h4v4zm8 24h-4v-4h4v4zm0-8h-4v-4h4v4zm0-8h-4v-4h4v4zm0-8h-4v-4h4v4zm20 24H24v-4h4v-4h-4v-4h4v-4h-4v-4h16v20zm-4-16h-4v4h4v-4zm0 8h-4v4h4v-4z"/></svg>',
   amivWheel: '<svg width="81.059502" height="80.056625" viewBox="0 0 82 82" id="svg2"><metadata id="metadata8"><rdf:RDF><cc:Work rdf:about=""><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:type rdf:resource="" /><dc:title></dc:title></cc:Work></rdf:RDF></metadata><defs id="defs6"><clipPath id="clipPath18"><path d="m 0,849.563 1960.52,0 L 1960.52,0 0,0 0,849.563 z" id="path20" /></clipPath></defs><g transform="matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-16.34525,92.96925)" id="g10"><g transform="scale(0.1,0.1)" id="g12"><g clip-path="url(#clipPath18)" id="g16"><path d="m 566.012,342.883 c -44.453,-61.184 -130.383,-74.797 -191.563,-30.344 -3.969,2.891 -7.719,5.957 -11.289,9.18 l 41.192,29.922 40.945,-56.375 51.351,117.707 37.684,-51.848 44.727,32.5 -40.387,55.598 41.469,30.132 c 19.257,-43.32 15.679,-95.437 -14.129,-136.472 m -235.504,23.465 c -19.887,43.554 -16.5,96.32 13.601,137.75 44.45,61.179 130.383,74.789 191.559,30.336 4.352,-3.161 8.391,-6.579 12.254,-10.125 l -41.762,-30.344 -40.558,55.82 -44.735,-32.5 40.563,-55.828 -0.067,-0.051 -127.726,-12.449 38.203,-52.578 -41.332,-30.031 z m 366.523,24.668 c 1.41,10.644 2.207,21.48 2.207,32.511 0,11.028 -0.797,21.86 -2.207,32.508 l -57.468,8.922 c -2.571,11.469 -6.196,22.711 -10.864,33.57 l 41.211,40.961 c -5.109,9.438 -10.828,18.676 -17.312,27.598 -6.481,8.922 -13.496,17.223 -20.899,25 l -51.679,-26.52 c -4.372,3.84 -8.93,7.532 -13.731,11.02 -4.84,3.512 -9.801,6.73 -14.84,9.719 l 9.258,57.351 c -9.676,4.641 -19.734,8.75 -30.238,12.16 -10.481,3.407 -21.039,5.993 -31.586,7.938 l -26.262,-51.918 c -11.742,1.07 -23.519,1.031 -35.199,-0.066 l -26.293,51.984 c -10.559,-1.945 -21.109,-4.531 -31.598,-7.938 -10.492,-3.41 -20.551,-7.519 -30.23,-12.148 l 9.269,-57.434 c -10.039,-5.925 -19.582,-12.859 -28.511,-20.707 l -51.746,26.559 c -7.407,-7.777 -14.422,-16.07 -20.903,-25 -6.492,-8.922 -12.211,-18.16 -17.32,-27.598 l 41.258,-41.011 c -4.715,-10.922 -8.36,-22.137 -10.887,-33.512 l -57.481,-8.93 c -1.421,-10.64 -2.218,-21.48 -2.218,-32.508 0,-11.031 0.797,-21.855 2.218,-32.511 l 57.563,-8.934 c 2.559,-11.445 6.168,-22.668 10.82,-33.496 L 240.09,307.57 c 5.109,-9.445 10.828,-18.683 17.32,-27.597 6.481,-8.926 13.488,-17.227 20.903,-25 l 51.675,26.523 c 4.41,-3.867 9,-7.59 13.84,-11.105 4.801,-3.485 9.723,-6.688 14.723,-9.657 l -9.258,-57.336 c 9.687,-4.636 19.746,-8.75 30.238,-12.156 10.489,-3.418 21.039,-5.996 31.598,-7.929 l 26.219,51.843 c 11.773,-1.093 23.57,-1.062 35.285,0.039 l 26.238,-51.894 c 10.559,1.945 21.117,4.523 31.598,7.941 10.504,3.406 20.551,7.52 30.238,12.149 l -9.246,57.285 c 10.078,5.957 19.648,12.898 28.617,20.789 l 51.621,-26.492 c 7.403,7.773 14.41,16.074 20.899,25 6.484,8.914 12.203,18.152 17.312,27.597 l -41.148,40.907 c 4.73,10.957 8.379,22.207 10.929,33.644 l 57.34,8.895" id="path30" style="fill:#f03d30;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" /></g></g></g></svg>',
+  menu: '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M3 18h18v-2H3v2zm0-5h18v-2H3v2zm0-7v2h18V6H3z"/></svg>',
 export class textInput {
diff --git a/src/views/itemView.js b/src/views/itemView.js
index 7be090e..07de2f8 100644
--- a/src/views/itemView.js
+++ b/src/views/itemView.js
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ export default class ItemView {
   layout(children) {
     if (!this.controller || ! return m(loadingScreen);
-    // update the reference to the controller data, as this may be refreshed
-    // in between
+    // update the reference to the controller data, as this may be refreshed in between =;
     return m('div', [
       m(Toolbar, m('', [