diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 7a1845cc362f31958db7014450267889709fad85..89d2ba078883016dd78a22ed98f2f26c75276e27 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ m.route(root, '/users', {
   '/groups/:id': layoutWith(GroupView),
   '/newgroup': layoutWith(NewGroup),
   '/oauthcallback': OauthRedirect,
-  '/jobs': layoutWith(jobTable),
-  '/newjob': layoutWith(newJob),
-  '/jobs/:id': layoutWith(jobModal),
+  '/joboffers': layoutWith(jobTable),
+  '/newjoboffer': layoutWith(newJob),
+  '/joboffers/:id': layoutWith(jobModal),
   // '/announce': layoutWith(AnnounceTool),
diff --git a/src/jobs/newJob.js b/src/jobs/newJob.js
index 859a29b6fbe85972b9df87fa9ed0122aad277a79..37c95210aaca0a3a95f5f6f4368f82b12cf400d8 100644
--- a/src/jobs/newJob.js
+++ b/src/jobs/newJob.js
@@ -1,250 +1,29 @@
 import m from 'mithril';
-import { RaisedButton, RadioGroup, Slider } from 'polythene-mithril';
-import { styler } from 'polythene-core-css';
-import { apiUrl } from 'networkConfig';
+import { RaisedButton } from 'polythene-mithril';
 import EditView from '../views/editView';
-import { fileInput } from '../views/elements';
-const style = [
-  {
-    '.mywrapper': {
-      padding: '10px',
-    },
-  },
-styler.add('event-add', style);
-export default class newEvent extends EditView {
+export default class newJob extends EditView {
   constructor(vnode) {
-    super(vnode, 'events', {});
-    this.currentpage = 1;
-    this.data = { priority: 1 };
+    super(vnode, 'joboffers', {});
   view() {
-    if (!this.currentpage) return '';
-    const buttonRight = m(RaisedButton, {
-      label: 'next',
-      disabled: this.currentpage === 5,
-      events: {
-        onclick: () => {
-          this.currentpage = Math.min(this.currentpage + 1, 5);
-        },
-      },
-    });
-    const buttonLeft = m(RaisedButton, {
-      label: 'previous',
-      disabled: this.currentpage === 1,
-      events: {
-        onclick: () => {
-          this.currentpage = Math.max(1, this.currentpage - 1);
-        },
-      },
-    });
-    const radioButtonSelectionMode = m(RadioGroup, {
-      name: 'Selection Mode',
-      buttons: [
-        {
-          value: 'fcfs',
-          label: 'First come, first serve',
-        },
-        {
-          value: 'manual',
-          label: 'Selection made by organizer',
-        },
-      ],
-      onChange: (state) => {
-        this.selection_strategy = state.value;
-        this.data.selection_strategy = state.value;
-        console.log(this.data); // Temp proof of concept.
-      },
-      value: this.selection_strategy,
-    });
-    const buttonFinish = m(RaisedButton, {
+    const submitButton = m(RaisedButton, {
       disabled: !this.valid,
-      label: 'Create event',
+      label: 'Submit',
       events: {
-        onclick: () => {
-          // Overwrite existing images with new images
-          ['thumbnail', 'banner', 'infoscreen', 'poster'].forEach((key) => {
-            if (this.data[`new_${key}`]) {
-              this.data[`img_${key}`] = this.data[`new_${key}`];
-              delete this.data[`new_${key}`];
-            } else if (this.data[`img_${key}`]) {
-              delete this.data[`img_${key}`];
-            }
-          });
-          // Merge Options for additional fields
-          const additionalFields = {
-            schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
-            additionalProperties: false,
-            title: 'Additional Fields',
-            type: 'object',
-            properties: {},
-            required: [],
-          };
-          if (this.data.add_fields_sbb) {
-            additionalFields.properties.SBB_Abo = {
-              type: 'string',
-              enum: ['None', 'GA', 'Halbtax', 'Gleis 7'],
-            };
-            additionalFields.required.push('SBB_Abo');
-            delete this.data.add_fields_sbb;
-          }
-          if (this.data.add_fields_food) {
-            additionalFields.properties.Food = {
-              type: 'string',
-              enum: ['Omnivor', 'Vegi', 'Vegan', 'Other'],
-            };
-            additionalFields.properties.specialFood = {
-              'Special Food Requirements': {
-                type: 'string',
-              },
-            };
-            additionalFields.required.push('Food');
-            delete this.data.add_fields_food;
-          }
-          if (this.data.add_fields_food || this.data.add_fields_sbb) {
-            this.data.additional_fields = JSON.stringify(additionalFields);
-          }
-          console.log(this.data);
-          this.submit(true);
-        },
+        onclick: () => { this.submit(); },
-    const title = [
-      'Create an Event', 'When and Where?', 'Signups', 'Advertisement', 'Images',
-    ][this.currentpage - 1];
-    // checks currentPage and selects the fitting page
-    return m('div.mywrapper', [
-      m('h3', title),
-      buttonLeft,
-      m.trust(' '),
-      buttonRight,
+    return m('div.maincontainer', [
+      m('h3', 'Add a New Job Offer'),
+      ...this.renderPage({
+        title_de: { type: 'text', label: 'German Title' },
+      }),
-      m('div', {
-        style: { display: (this.currentpage === 1) ? 'block' : 'none' },
-      }, this.renderPage({
-        title_en: { type: 'text', label: 'English Event Title' },
-        catchphrase_en: { type: 'text', label: 'English Catchphrase' },
-        description_en: {
-          type: 'text',
-          label: 'English Description',
-          multiLine: true,
-          rows: 5,
-        },
-        title_de: { type: 'text', label: 'German Event Title' },
-        catchphrase_de: { type: 'text', label: 'German Catchphrase' },
-        description_de: {
-          type: 'text',
-          label: 'German Description',
-          multiLine: true,
-          rows: 5,
-        },
-      })),
-      m('div', {
-        style: { display: (this.currentpage === 2) ? 'block' : 'none' },
-      }, this.renderPage({
-        time_start: { type: 'datetime', label: 'Event Start Time' },
-        time_end: { type: 'datetime', label: 'Event End Time' },
-        location: { type: 'text', label: 'Location' },
-      })),
-      m('div', {
-        style: { display: (this.currentpage === 3) ? 'block' : 'none' },
-      }, [
-        ...this.renderPage({
-          spots: {
-            type: 'number',
-            label: 'Number of Spots',
-            help: '0 for open event',
-            focusHelp: true,
-            min: 0,
-          },
-          price: {
-            type: 'number',
-            label: 'Price',
-            min: 0,
-            step: 0.01,
-          },
-          time_register_start: {
-            type: 'datetime',
-            label: 'Start of Registration',
-          },
-          time_register_end: {
-            type: 'datetime',
-            label: 'End of Registration',
-          },
-          add_fields_food: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Food limitations' },
-          add_fields_sbb: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'ABB Abbonement' },
-        }),
-        m('br'),
-        ...this.renderPage({
-          allow_email_signup: {
-            type: 'checkbox',
-            label: 'Allow non AMIV Members?',
-          },
-        }),
-        radioButtonSelectionMode,
-      ]),
-      m('div', {
-        style: { display: (this.currentpage === 4) ? 'block' : 'none' },
-      }, [
-        ...this.renderPage({
-          time_advertising_start: {
-            type: 'datetime',
-            label: 'Start of Advertisement',
-            required: true,
-          },
-          time_advertising_end: {
-            type: 'datetime',
-            label: 'End of Advertisement',
-            required: true,
-          },
-        }),
-        m.trust('Priority<br>'),
-        m(Slider, {
-          min: 1,
-          max: 10,
-          stepSize: 1,
-          // value: this.data.priority || 1,
-          // onChange: ({ value }) => { this.data.priority = value; },
-        }),
-        ...this.renderPage({
-          show_website: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Advertise on Website' },
-          show_announce: { type: 'checkbox', label: 'Advertise in Announce' },
-          show_infoscreen: {
-            type: 'checkbox',
-            label: 'Advertise on Infoscreen',
-          },
-        }),
-        m('br'),
-        buttonFinish,
-      ]),
-      m('div', {
-        style: { display: (this.currentpage === 5) ? 'block' : 'none' },
-      }, [
-        ['thumbnail', 'banner', 'poster', 'infoscreen'].map(key => [
-          this.data[`img_${key}`] ? m('img', {
-            src: `${apiUrl}${this.data[`img_${key}`].file}`,
-            style: { 'max-height': '50px', 'max-width': '100px' },
-          }) : m('div', `currently no ${key} image set`),
-          m(fileInput, this.bind({
-            name: `new_${key}`,
-            label: `New ${key} Image`,
-            accept: 'image/png, image/jpeg',
-          })),
-        ]),
-        m('br'),
-        buttonFinish,
-      ]),
+      submitButton,
diff --git a/src/jobs/viewJob.js b/src/jobs/viewJob.js
index 04f8c8ed4e4debc6ebac9b8e40cc1b84fa683be3..5c26979d51af4bc722e8773cd8617cb0d61aa032 100644
--- a/src/jobs/viewJob.js
+++ b/src/jobs/viewJob.js
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
 import m from 'mithril';
-import {
-  Switch,
-  Button,
-  Card,
-  TextField,
-  Icon,
-} from 'polythene-mithril';
+import { RaisedButton } from 'polythene-mithril';
 import { styler } from 'polythene-core-css';
 import { apiUrl } from 'networkConfig';
 import ItemView from '../views/itemView';
-import TableView from '../views/tableView';
-import DatalistController from '../listcontroller';
 import { dateFormatter } from '../utils';
-import { icons, DropdownCard, Property } from '../views/elements';
-import { ResourceHandler } from '../auth';
+import { Property } from '../views/elements';
 const viewLayout = [
@@ -66,59 +57,30 @@ class DuoLangProperty {
 export default class viewJob extends ItemView {
   constructor() {
-    super('jobs');
-    this.description = false;
-    this.advertisement = false;
-    this.logo = false;
-  }
-  oninit() {
-    this.handler.getItem(this.id, this.embedded).then((item) => {
-      this.data = item;
-      m.redraw();
-    });
+    super('joboffers');
   view({ attrs: { onEdit } }) {
     if (!this.data) return '';
-    let displaySpots = '-';
-    if (this.data.spots !== 0) {
-      displaySpots = this.data.spots;
-    }
     return m('div', {
       style: { height: '100%', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', padding: '10px' },
     }, [
-      m(Button, {
-        element: 'div',
-        label: 'Update Event',
-        events: { onclick: onEdit },
-      }),
+      m(RaisedButton, { label: 'Edit Joboffer', events: { onclick: onEdit } }),
       // this div is the title line
       m('div', [
         // company logo if existing
         this.data.img_thumbnail ? m('img', {
-          src: `${apiUrl}${this.data.img_thumbnail.file}`,
+          src: `${apiUrl}/${this.data.logo.file}`,
           height: '50px',
           style: { float: 'left' },
         }) : '',
-        m('h1', { style: { 'margin-top': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '0px' } }, [this.data.title_de || this.data.title_en]),
+        m('h3', { style: { 'margin-top': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '0px' } }, [this.data.title_de || this.data.title_en]),
       // below the title, most important details are listed
-      this.data.signup_count ? m(Property, {
-        style: { float: 'left', 'margin-right': '20px' },
-        title: 'Signups',
-      }, `${this.data.signup_count} / ${displaySpots}`) : m.trust('&nbsp;'),
-      this.data.location ? m(Property, {
-        style: { float: 'left', 'margin-right': '20px' },
-        title: 'Location',
-      }, `${this.data.location}`) : m.trust('&nbsp;'),
-      this.data.time_start ? m(Property, {
-        title: 'Time',
-      }, `${dateFormatter(this.data.time_start)} - ${dateFormatter(this.data.time_end)}`) : m.trust('&nbsp;'),
+      this.data.time_end ? m(Property, {
+        title: 'Offer Ends',
+      }, `${dateFormatter(this.data.time_end)}`) : '',
diff --git a/src/layout.js b/src/layout.js
index d63ee68a663bace30bc5d717a8d3c97a35c557a4..77f34a0a3962e0cac4927cbafe6f0e2d036fb9b8 100644
--- a/src/layout.js
+++ b/src/layout.js
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export default class Layout {
                 title: 'Groups',
               m(Menupoint, {
-                href: '/jobs',
+                href: '/joboffers',
                 icon: icons.iconJobsSVG,
                 title: 'Job offers',