Something went wrong on our end
Forked from
amiv / Admintool
581 commits behind the upstream repository.
CupCakeArmy authoredCupCakeArmy authored
main.js 6.60 KiB
'use strict';
// Library for all tool actions
var tools = {
//Log Function & Utility Vars
alertNum: 0,
alertType: {
's': 'alert-success',
'i': 'alert-info',
'w': 'alert-warning',
'e': 'alert-danger'
log: function(msg, type, timeout) {
timeout = timeout || 5000;
$('.alertCont').append('<div id="alertBox' + tools.alertNum + '" class="alert ' + tools.alertType[type] + ' alert-dismissible" role="alert"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>' + msg + '</div>');
setTimeout(function() {
$('#alertBox' + tools.alertNum).alert('close');
}, timeout);
// Modal function
modalFunc: {
init: 0,
modalClose: function() {
modal: function(attr) {
attr = attr || {};
if (attr.cancel !== undefined && typeof(attr.cancel) == 'function')
tools.modalFunc.cancel = attr.cancel;
if (!tools.modalFunc.init) {
$('.modalCont').on('', tools.modalFunc.cancel);
tools.modalFunc.init = 1;
$('.modalCont .modal-title').html(attr.head);
$('.modalCont .modal-body').html(attr.body);
$('.modalCont .modal-footer').html('<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>');
var modalBtnId = 0;
for (var curBtn in attr.button) {
if (attr.button[curBtn].type === undefined || attr.button[curBtn].type == '')
attr.button[curBtn].type = 'primary';
$('.modalCont .modal-footer').append('<button type="button" class="btn btn-' + attr.button[curBtn].type + ' modal-btn-' + modalBtnId + '">' + curBtn + '</button>');
if (attr.button[curBtn].callback !== undefined && typeof(attr.button[curBtn].callback) == 'function')
$('.modal-btn-' + modalBtnId).off('click').on('click', attr.button[curBtn].callback);
if (attr.button[curBtn].close === true)
$('.modal-btn-' + modalBtnId).on('click', tools.modalClose);
// Ajax loading gunction and getting the tools
curTool: '',
getTool: function(tool) {
//Setting home if no other tool is selected
if (window.location.hash == '' || window.location.hash == null)
window.location.hash = 'home';
// If tool is specfied, get it
var nextTool = (tool && typeof tool != 'object') ? tool : window.location.hash.slice(1);
if (tools.curTool == nextTool)
tools.curTool = nextTool;
window.location.hash = tools.curTool;
$('#wheel-logo').css('transform', 'rotate(360deg)');
$('#main-content').fadeOut(100, function() {
// Reset Custom menu;
url: 'tools/' + tools.curTool + '.tool',
dataType: 'html',
error: function() {
tools.log('Tool not found', 'e');
}).done(function(data) {
$('#main-content').fadeIn(250, function() {
$('#wheel-logo').css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)');
// UI Stuff
ui: {
//Toggle the sidemenu
toggleSideMenu: function() {
login: function() {
'top': '-100%'
logout: function() {
'top': '0%'
resizeTool: function() {
$('tools-full-height').height($(window).height() - $('.navbar-main').height());
menuId: 0,
menu: function(attr) {
var custMenu = $('.cust-menu');
for (var cur in attr) {
if (attr[cur].link == '' || attr[cur].link === undefined)
attr[cur].link = 'javascript:void(0);';
custMenu.append('<li><a href="' + attr[cur].link + '" id="cust-menu-link-' + tools.ui.menuId + '">' + cur + '</a></li>');
if (typeof(attr[cur].callback) == 'function')
$('#cust-menu-link-' + tools.ui.menuId).on('click', attr[cur].callback);
// Memory to store stuff
memStore: function(type, name, val) {
window[type].setItem(name, val);
memGet: function(type, name) {
return window[type].getItem(name);
mem: {
local: {
set: function(name, val) {
tools.memStore('localStorage', tools.curTool + name, val);
get: function(name) {
return tools.memGet('localStorage', tools.curTool + name);
session: {
set: function(name, val) {
tools.memStore('sessionStorage', tools.curTool + name, val);
get: function(name) {
return tools.memGet('sessionStorage', tools.curTool + name);
Initialization of page
//Turning off cache for ajax on dev stage
cache: false
//Binding tool change whenever the hash is changed
window.onhashchange = tools.getTool;
// Login function
function loginFunc() {
$('.loginPanel input').attr('readonly', 1);
amivcore.login($('#loginUsername').val(), $('#loginPassword').val(), function(ret) {
if (ret !== true)
tools.log('Wrong Credentials', 'w');
$('.loginPanel input').removeAttr('readonly');
amivcore.login($('#loginUsername').val(), $('#loginPassword').val(), function(ret) {
if (ret !== true)
tools.log('Wrong Credentials', 'w');
$('.loginPanel input').removeAttr('readonly');
// Binding the buttons
$('.loginPanel').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
amivcore.on('ready', function() {
amivcore.on('login', function() {
amivcore.on('logout', function() {