Trip legs in GTE freight survey
For the GTE freight survey, it is not 100% how the transport.csv data relates to the journeych.csv data. In transport.csv, there are multiple legs for each journey, but the origin-destination of these are not clear.
For example, for ernr=201701010 the first journey is split into 3:
- from plz=6883 to plz=6850 for a total of 14 km and 20 tons,
- from plz=6883 to plz=6817 for a total of 23 km and 1181 tons
- from plz=6883 to plz=6817 for a total of 23 km and 80 tons.
However, in journeych.csv, the first journey of ernr=201701010 is recorded as being from plz=6883 to plz=6817 with a distance of 23 km and having 3 different goods for a total of 1281 tons.
Does that mean that the trips actually started with 1281 tons leaving plz=6883, deposited 20 tons at plz=6850 which is 14 km away and then made the final trip from plz=6850 to plz=6817 carrying 1261 tons and travelling 9 km ?
For now, we will only use the trips in journeych.csv (not split into legs), but this should be clarified.