diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/coil_sensitivities.py b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/coil_sensitivities.py
index 162bf1f1c483963a8a19371a51781e239af6050d..5bc3757c67061313bf396ca9e224fb7cff93a0e5 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/coil_sensitivities.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/coil_sensitivities.py
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ class CoilSensitivity(LookUpTableModule):
     required_quantities = ('r_vectors', )
-    _device2: str
     #: Spatial extend of the look up as: (3, 2) -> [(xlow, xhigh), (ylow, yhigh), (zlow, zhigh)]
     map_dimensions: tf.Variable  # float32
@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ class CoilSensitivity(LookUpTableModule):
-        self._device2 = device
         self.expansion_factor = coils.shape[-1] // 2
     def update(self):
@@ -69,6 +67,7 @@ class CoilSensitivity(LookUpTableModule):
         self.expansion_factor = self.look_up_map3d.read_value().shape[-1] // 2
     # pylint: disable=signature-differs, too-many-locals
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
     def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor:
         """Evaluation of coil-sensitivity weighting:
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ class CoilSensitivity(LookUpTableModule):
         :param r_vectors: (#voxels, #repetitions, #samples, 3)
-        with tf.device(self._device2):
+        with tf.device(self.device):
             input_shape = tf.shape(signal_tensor)
             tf.Assert(tf.shape(r_vectors)[1] == 1 or
                       tf.shape(r_vectors)[1] == input_shape[1],
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/diffusion_weighting.py b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/diffusion_weighting.py
index 0ce105be47e631524ca8aac04fce310390aa404b..16c445544bc9256e65b42101987d946b0a5f10b9 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/diffusion_weighting.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/diffusion_weighting.py
@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ class GaussianDiffusionTensor(BaseSignalModel):
         :param expand_repetitions: See BaseSignalModel for explanation
         super().__init__(name="dti_gauss", expand_repetitions=expand_repetitions, **kwargs)
-        self.b_vectors = tf.Variable(b_vectors, shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32, name='b_vectors')
-        self.update()
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            self.b_vectors = tf.Variable(b_vectors, shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32, name='b_vectors')
+            self.update()
-    @tf.Module.with_name_scope
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
     def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, diffusion_tensor: tf.Tensor, **kwargs)\
             -> tf.Tensor:
         """ Evaluates the diffusion operator.
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/offresonance.py b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/offresonance.py
index 2c8d9d4e6f39b94ef04c3c5d6d1bbed15074986d..67cd5a4d0a83f849e7b17de848a5b867dc038199 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/offresonance.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/offresonance.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class OffResonanceProperty(BaseSignalModel):
     .. math::
-        M_{xy}^{i, \\prime} = M_{xy}^{i} exp(-\gamma \\Delta B \\delta t),
+        M_{xy}^{i, \\prime} = M_{xy}^{i} exp(-j\gamma \\Delta B \\delta t),
     where :math:`\\delta t` is the duration from the RF-excitation center for GRE sequences
     while it is the temporal distance to the echo-center for SE sequences.
@@ -53,17 +53,19 @@ class OffResonanceProperty(BaseSignalModel):
                              f"(#repetitions, #k-space-points), but is: {sampling_times.shape}")
         if len(sampling_times.shape) == 1:
             sampling_times = tf.reshape(sampling_times, [1, -1])
-        self.gamma = tf.constant(gamma, dtype=tf.float32)
-        self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_times, tf.float32),
-                                          shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.float32)
-        self.expansion_factor = sampling_times.shape[0]
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            self.gamma = tf.constant(gamma, dtype=tf.float32)
+            self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_times, tf.float32),
+                                              shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.float32)
+            self.expansion_factor = sampling_times.shape[0]
     def update(self):
         self.expansion_factor == tf.shape(self.sampling_times.read_value())[0]
     # pylint: disable=signature-differs
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
     def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, deltaB0: tf.Tensor,  **kwargs):
         """ Evaluates the off-resonance operator under the assumption
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/phase_tracking.py b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/phase_tracking.py
index 81b704a5aa078f50b63d6d84dbb8b026e6bfe08b..118aec35b2cbacf0aa068fcfc1445a099cb960d3 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/phase_tracking.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/phase_tracking.py
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ class PhaseTracking(BaseSignalModel):
     :param gamma: Gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/mT
     required_quantities = ('trajectory', )
+    #: (#repetitions, #time-steps, 4[t, x, y, z])
+    wave_form: tf.Variable
+    #: gyromagnetic ratio in rad/mT/ms
+    gamma: tf.Tensor
     def __init__(self, expand_repetitions: bool,  wave_form: tf.Tensor,
                  gamma: float,  **kwargs):
@@ -31,13 +35,15 @@ class PhaseTracking(BaseSignalModel):
         :param gamma: Gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/mT
         super().__init__(expand_repetitions=expand_repetitions, name="phase_tracking", **kwargs)
-        self.wave_form = tf.Variable(wave_form, shape=(None, None, 4),
-                                     dtype=tf.float32, name='wave_form')
-        self.n_steps = tf.Variable(0, shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, name="n_steps")
-        self.gamma = tf.constant(gamma, dtype=tf.float32)
-        self.expansion_factor = tf.shape(self.wave_form)[0]
-        self.update()
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            self.wave_form = tf.Variable(wave_form, shape=(None, None, 4),
+                                         dtype=tf.float32, name='wave_form')
+            self.n_steps = tf.Variable(0, shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, name="n_steps")
+            self.gamma = tf.constant(gamma, dtype=tf.float32)
+            self.expansion_factor = tf.shape(self.wave_form)[0]
+            self.update()
+    # @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
     def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, trajectory: tf.Tensor, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor:
         """ Evaluates the phase integration for given trajectories
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/sequences.py b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/sequences.py
index 3720180e0f2fa9e7be468fe0f980d5887ab9759f..3c0620bc8ddb2e91b03537c58b2e170ef4f9f4ea 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/sequences.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/sequences.py
@@ -50,12 +50,13 @@ class SpinEcho(BaseSignalModel):
                              f"of elements. Got {echo_time.shape} and {repetition_time.shape}")
         super().__init__(expand_repetitions=expand_repetitions, name="spin_echo", **kwargs)
-        self.TE = tf.Variable(echo_time, shape=(None, ), dtype=tf.float32, name='TE')
-        self.TR = tf.Variable(repetition_time, shape=(None, ), dtype=tf.float32, name='TR')
-        self.expansion_factor = self.TE.read_value().shape[0]
-        self.update()
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            self.TE = tf.Variable(echo_time, shape=(None, ), dtype=tf.float32, name='TE')
+            self.TR = tf.Variable(repetition_time, shape=(None, ), dtype=tf.float32, name='TR')
+            self.expansion_factor = self.TE.read_value().shape[0]
+            self.update()
-    @tf.Module.with_name_scope
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
     def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, T1: tf.Tensor, T2: tf.Tensor, **kwargs):  # noqa
         """ Evaluates spin echo operator
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/t2_star.py b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/t2_star.py
index 72d5507852c5deda3cc350d7d1a338b90c32f083..ebfa223006d52f9d574fb3db91e53459674d4b68 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/t2_star.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/contrast/t2_star.py
@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ class StaticT2starDecay(BaseSignalModel):
                              f"(#repetitions, #k-space-points), but is: {sampling_times.shape}")
         if len(sampling_times.shape) == 1:
             sampling_times = tf.reshape(sampling_times, [1, -1])
-        self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_times, tf.float32),
-                                          shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.float32)
-        self.expansion_factor = sampling_times.shape[0]
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_times, tf.float32),
+                                              shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.float32)
+            self.expansion_factor = sampling_times.shape[0]
     def update(self):
         self.expansion_factor == tf.shape(self.sampling_times.read_value())[0]
     # pylint: disable=signature-differs
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
     def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, T2star: tf.Tensor,  **kwargs):
         """ Evaluates the T2* operator
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/encoding/base.py b/cmrsim/analytic/encoding/base.py
index ea25c18d9a859c5c3a2ab277fa72bb228a719cc9..c4ac13b36dae960b38e8310717e76a5c79b4c0b6 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/encoding/base.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/encoding/base.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 """ This module contains the base implementation of the encoding mechanism of the simulation"""
-__all__ = ["BaseSampling", "InternalAccumulator", "BlochOperatorInput"]
+__all__ = ["BaseSampling",]
 from typing import Union, Iterable, Tuple
 import abc
@@ -68,18 +68,19 @@ class BaseSampling(tf.Module):
         if isinstance(absolute_noise_std, float):
             absolute_noise_std = [absolute_noise_std, ]
-        self.absolute_noise_std = tf.Variable(tf.constant(absolute_noise_std), dtype=tf.float32,
-                                              trainable=False, shape=[None, ],
-                                              name='absolute_noise_std')
-        self.k_space_segments = tf.Variable(tf.constant(k_space_segments), dtype=tf.int32,
-                                            trainable=False)
-        self.k_space_vectors = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((1, 3), tf.float32), shape=[None, 3],
-                                           dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False,
-                                           name='k_space_vectors')
-        self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((1,), tf.float32), shape=[None, ],
-                                          dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name='sampling_times')
-        self.update()
-        self.ori_matrix = orientation_matrix
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            self.absolute_noise_std = tf.Variable(tf.constant(absolute_noise_std), dtype=tf.float32,
+                                                  trainable=False, shape=[None, ],
+                                                  name='absolute_noise_std')
+            self.k_space_segments = tf.Variable(tf.constant(k_space_segments), dtype=tf.int32,
+                                                trainable=False)
+            self.k_space_vectors = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((1, 3), tf.float32), shape=[None, 3],
+                                               dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False,
+                                               name='k_space_vectors')
+            self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((1,), tf.float32), shape=[None, ],
+                                              dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name='sampling_times')
+            self.update()
+            self.ori_matrix = orientation_matrix
     def update(self):
         """ Assigns values to trajectory vectors. Should be used after modifying the parameters of
@@ -107,8 +108,39 @@ class BaseSampling(tf.Module):
         self._segmented_k_vectors = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(
             self.k_space_vectors.read_value(), row_lengths)
-    def __call__(self, transverse_magnetization: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor,
-                 segment_index: Union[int, tf.Tensor] = 0, **kwargs):
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=False)
+    def __call__(self, m_transverse: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor):
+        """ Fourier transforms the handed batch of object points / isochromates,
+        :param m_transverse:
+        :param r_vectors:
+        :return: tf.Tensor of shape (#repetitions, #k-space-samples)
+        """
+        with tf.device(self.device):
+            # Allocate k-space-Tensor
+            # s_of_k_segments = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.complex64, size=n_segments, dynamic_size=False)
+            samples_per_segment = tf.cast(self.number_of_samples / self.k_space_segments, tf.int32)
+            accumulator_shape = tf.stack([self.k_space_segments, tf.shape(m_transverse)[1], samples_per_segment], axis=0)
+            s_of_k_segments = tf.zeros(accumulator_shape, dtype=tf.complex64)
+            max_mtrans_index = tf.math.reduce_min(tf.stack([tf.shape(m_transverse)[-1], self.k_space_segments]))
+            max_rvectrans_index = tf.math.reduce_min(tf.stack([tf.shape(r_vectors)[-2], self.k_space_segments]))
+            # Loop over k-space segments, defined by k-space trajectory in self.encoding_module
+            for segment_index in tf.range(self.k_space_segments):
+                mseg_idx = tf.reduce_min(tf.stack([segment_index + 1, max_mtrans_index]))
+                rseg_idx = tf.reduce_min(tf.stack([segment_index + 1, max_rvectrans_index]))
+                m_segment = m_transverse[..., samples_per_segment * (mseg_idx - 1): samples_per_segment * mseg_idx]
+                r_segment = r_vectors[..., samples_per_segment * (rseg_idx - 1):samples_per_segment*rseg_idx, :]
+                k_space_segment = self.call_single_segment(m_segment, r_segment, segment_index=segment_index)
+                s_of_k_segments = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(s_of_k_segments, [[segment_index], ],
+                                                              k_space_segment[tf.newaxis])
+            # Concat all segments and transpose axes to match needed format
+            return tf.reshape(tf.transpose(s_of_k_segments, [1, 0, 2]), [accumulator_shape[1], -1])
+    @tf.function(jit_compile=False)
+    def call_single_segment(self, transverse_magnetization: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor,
+                            segment_index: Union[int, tf.Tensor] = 0, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor:
         """Calculates fourier phases for given object-representation at r-vectors. For multiple
         different contrasts #repetitions is the representing axis.
@@ -122,10 +154,10 @@ class BaseSampling(tf.Module):
         :param r_vectors: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples, 3), axis #repetitions
                             and #k-space-samples can be 1 to broadcast for coordinate reuse.
         :param segment_index: int
-        :param kwargs: - noise_seed: if not None, sets seed for sampling the noise vector.
-        :return: tf.Tensor
+        :return: tf.Tensor (..., k-space-points in segment)
         with tf.device(self.device):
             n_repetitions = tf.shape(transverse_magnetization)[1]
             fourier_factors = self._calculate_fourier_phases(r_vectors=r_vectors,
@@ -246,87 +278,4 @@ class BaseSampling(tf.Module):
             self.ori_matrix = tf.Variable(trafo_mat.astype(np.float32), shape=(3, 4),
-            self.ori_matrix.assign(trafo_mat.astype(np.float32))
-# pylint: disable=abstract-method
-class InternalAccumulator(tf.Module):
-    """Wraps a BaseSampling object to enable internal k-space accumulation"""
-    #: Encoding module that is wrapped
-    wrapped_module: BaseSampling
-    _kspace_acc: Tuple[tf.Variable]
-    def __init__(self, encoding_module: BaseSampling, n_repetitions: int):
-        """
-        :param encoding_module: Instance of an encoding module
-        :param n_repetitions: number of repetitions to be expected for
-                given transversal magnetization
-        """
-        self.wrapped_module = encoding_module
-        super().__init__(name=encoding_module.name)
-        self.update(n_repetitions)
-    def update(self, n_repetitions: int):
-        self.wrapped_module.update()
-        # pylint: disable=protected-access
-        samples_per_segment = [tf.shape(_)[0] for _ in
-                               self.wrapped_module._segmented_sampling_times]
-        with tf.device("CPU:0"):
-            # pylint: disable=consider-using-generator
-            self._kspace_acc = tuple([tf.Variable(tf.zeros((n_repetitions, s),
-                                                           dtype=tf.complex64),
-                                                  dtype=tf.complex64, shape=(None, s))
-                                      for s in samples_per_segment])
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        """ This is only called if attr is not in self.__dict__"""
-        if attr != "wrapped_module":
-            return getattr(self.wrapped_module, attr)
-    def __call__(self, transverse_magnetization: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor,
-                 segment_index: Union[int, tf.Tensor] = 0, **kwargs):
-        samples_batch = self.wrapped_module(transverse_magnetization, r_vectors,
-                                            segment_index, **kwargs)
-        with tf.device("CPU:0"):
-            self._kspace_acc[segment_index].assign_add(samples_batch)
-        return transverse_magnetization
-    def reset(self):
-        """ Sets all k-space-line accumulators to zero """
-        for i, accumulator in enumerate(self._kspace_acc):
-            self._kspace_acc[i].assign(tf.zeros_like(accumulator))
-    def get_kspace(self):
-        """ Returns k-space data in shape (1, -1, #samples)"""
-        return tf.concat(self._kspace_acc, -1)
-# pylint: disable=abstract-method
-class BlochOperatorInput(tf.Module):
-    """Wraps a BaseSampling object to deal with the difference in input shape for bloch operators
-    and solution operators """
-    def __init__(self, encoding_module: Union[BaseSampling, InternalAccumulator]):
-        """
-        :param encoding_module: Instance of an encoding module
-        """
-        super().__init__(name=encoding_module.name)
-        self.wrapped_module = encoding_module
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        """ This is only called if attr is not in self.__dict__"""
-        if attr != "wrapped_module":
-            return getattr(self.wrapped_module, attr)
-    def __call__(self, magnetization: tf.Tensor, trajectories: tf.Tensor,
-                 segment_index: Union[int, tf.Tensor] = 0, **kwargs):
-        """
-        :param magnetization: (#batch, 3)
-        :param trajectories: (#batch, #k-space-points, 3)
-        """
-        m_transverse = tf.reshape(magnetization[:, 0], [-1, 1, 1])
-        rvec = tf.reshape(trajectories, [magnetization.shape[0], 1, -1, 3])
-        return self.wrapped_module(transverse_magnetization=m_transverse, r_vectors=rvec,
-                                   segment_index=segment_index, **kwargs)
+            self.ori_matrix.assign(trafo_mat.astype(np.float32))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmrsim/analytic/simulation.py b/cmrsim/analytic/simulation.py
index fa1b08a3b42bc40d906945209f57e0b9f73611e7..0ee93e14c73359e34956867dfcc5e29bb0b0296d 100644
--- a/cmrsim/analytic/simulation.py
+++ b/cmrsim/analytic/simulation.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
 from cmrsim.utils.display import SimulationProgressBarII
+from time import perf_counter
 class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module):
     """ This module provides the entry point to build and call the simulations defined within the
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module):
         # Initialize progress bar
         n_k_space_segments = self.encoding_module.k_space_segments.read_value()
         self.progress_bar = SimulationProgressBarII(total_voxels=1, prefix='Run Simulation: ',
-                                                  total_segments=n_k_space_segments)
+                                                    total_segments=n_k_space_segments)
     def build(self, **kwargs) -> ('CompositeSignalModel', 'BaseSampling', 'BaseRecon'):
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module):
                     f'{map_names} does not contain all entries of'
                     f' {self.forward_model.required_quantities}')
-    def _simulation_loop(self, dataset: tf.data.Dataset, k_space_shape: tf.Tensor, 
+    def _simulation_loop(self, dataset: tf.data.Dataset, k_space_shape: tf.Tensor,
                          trajectory_module=None, trajectory_signatures: dict = None,
                          additional_kwargs: dict = None):
         """ Consumes all object-configuration data (images) and simulates the MR images. The
@@ -137,64 +138,39 @@ class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module):
                  (#repetitions, #samples). The returned images are only 3D if the
                   input data, encoding and recon module are 3D as well.
+        if additional_kwargs is None:
+            additional_kwargs = {}
         # Allocate tensor array to store the simulated images
         s_of_k_temp = tf.zeros(k_space_shape, tf.complex64)
-        s_of_k_temp *= (0. + 0.j)
         # Loop over material points in dataset
         for batch_idx, batch_dict in dataset.enumerate():
             if trajectory_module is not None:
                 batch_dict = self._map_trajectories(batch_idx, batch_dict, trajectory_module,
                                                     trajectory_signatures, additional_kwargs)
-                # print([f"{k}: {v.shape}" for k, v in batch_dict.items()])
-            s_of_k_temp += self._segment_loop(**batch_dict)
+            m_transverse = self.forward_model(batch_dict["M0"], segment_index=0, **batch_dict)
+            s_of_k_temp += self.encoding_module(m_transverse, batch_dict["r_vectors"])
         return s_of_k_temp
-    @tf.function(jit_compile=False, reduce_retracing=True)
-    def _segment_loop(self, **batch_dict):
-        """ Fourier transforms the handed batch of object points / isochromates,
-        :param batch_dict: dictionary of type {'property_name': tf.Tensor(...)}
-                           e.g. {'M0': tf.Tensor{}}
-        :return: tf.Tensor of shape (1, #repetitions, #k-space-samples)
-        """
-        # Allocate k-space-Tensor
-        n_segments = self.encoding_module.k_space_segments.read_value()
-        s_of_k_segments = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.complex64, size=n_segments, dynamic_size=False)
-        self.progress_bar.reset_segments()
-        m_transverse = self.forward_model(batch_dict["M0"], segment_index=0, **batch_dict)
-        samples_per_segment = tf.cast(self.encoding_module.number_of_samples /
-                                      self.encoding_module.k_space_segments, tf.int32)
-        max_mtrans_index = tf.math.reduce_min(tf.stack([tf.shape(m_transverse)[-1], n_segments]))
-        max_rvectrans_index = tf.math.reduce_min(tf.stack([tf.shape(batch_dict['r_vectors'])[-2], n_segments]))
-        # Loop over k-space segments, defined by k-space trajectory in self.encoding_module
-        for segment_index in tf.range(n_segments):
-            mseg_idx = tf.reduce_min(tf.stack([segment_index + 1, max_mtrans_index]))
-            rseg_idx = tf.reduce_min(tf.stack([segment_index + 1, max_rvectrans_index]))
-            m_segment = m_transverse[..., samples_per_segment * (mseg_idx - 1): samples_per_segment * mseg_idx]
-            r_segment = batch_dict['r_vectors'][..., samples_per_segment * (rseg_idx - 1):samples_per_segment*rseg_idx, :]
-            k_space_segment = self.encoding_module(m_segment, r_segment, segment_index=segment_index)
-            k_space_segment = tf.transpose(k_space_segment, [1, 0])
-            s_of_k_segments = s_of_k_segments.write(segment_index, k_space_segment)
-            self.progress_bar.update(add_segment=1)
-            if tf.math.floormod(segment_index, 5) == 0:
-                self.progress_bar.print()
-        # Concat all segments and transpose axes to match needed format
-        return tf.transpose(s_of_k_segments.concat(), [1, 0])
     def _map_trajectories(idx: int, batch: dict, trajectory_module,
                           trajectory_signatures: dict, additional_kwargs: dict):
+        """
+        :warning: Only the last entry of the trajectory signatures dict
+        :param idx:
+        :param batch:
+        :param trajectory_module:
+        :param trajectory_signatures:
+        :param additional_kwargs:
+        :return:
+        """
         init_r = batch.pop("initial_positions")
         for k, t in trajectory_signatures.items():
             new_shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(init_r)[0:1], tf.shape(t), [3, ]], axis=0)
@@ -202,17 +178,19 @@ class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module):
             # using the flattened time-samples
             pos, add_lookups = [], []
             for t_ in t:
-                p, alup = trajectory_module(initial_positions=tf.reshape(init_r, (-1, 3)), timing=t_, 
+                p, alup = trajectory_module(initial_positions=tf.reshape(init_r, (-1, 3)),
+                                            timing=tf.reshape(t_, (-1, )),
                                             **additional_kwargs, batch_index=tf.cast(idx, tf.int32))
             pos = tf.stack(pos, axis=1)
             pos = tf.reshape(pos, new_shape)
-            add_lookups = {k: tf.reshape(tf.stack([alup[k] for alup in add_lookups]),
-                                         tf.concat([new_shape[:-1], tf.shape(add_lookups[0][k])]))
-                           for k in add_lookups[0].keys()}
             batch.update({k: pos})
+            lookup_shapes = [tf.concat([new_shape[:-1], tf.shape(add_lookups[-1][k])[2:]], 0)
+                             for k in add_lookups[-1].keys()]
+            add_lookups = {k: tf.reshape(tf.stack([alup[k] for alup in add_lookups]), lus)
+                           for k, lus in zip(add_lookups[-1].keys(), lookup_shapes)}
         return batch
@@ -294,7 +272,8 @@ class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module):
         print("Graph Tracing activated...")
         batch_dict, = [_ for _ in dataset(100).take(1)]
-        _ = self._segment_loop(**batch_dict)
+        m_transverse = self.forward_model(batch_dict["M0"], segment_index=0, **batch_dict)
+        _ = self.encoding_module(m_transverse, batch_dict["r_vectors"])
         with writer.as_default():   # pylint: disable not-context-manager
             tf.summary.trace_export(name='graph_def', step=0)
diff --git a/tests/test_encoding_base.py b/tests/test_encoding_base.py
index e5fc4496ba47116f4ef9d9a4498ce495ae09692e..6e65000a4d6c168afebc4219d1b2a7b65288f667 100644
--- a/tests/test_encoding_base.py
+++ b/tests/test_encoding_base.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import tensorflow as tf
 import numpy as np
 from pint import Quantity
-from cmrsim.analytic.encoding import BaseSampling, InternalAccumulator, BlochOperatorInput, EPI
+from cmrsim.analytic.encoding import BaseSampling, EPI
 class TestInputShapes(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -50,32 +50,6 @@ class TestInputShapes(unittest.TestCase):
                 k = self.module(m_transverse, r_vectors)
                 self.assertTrue(all(i == j for i, j in zip(target_shape, tuple(k.shape))))
-    def test_internal_accumulator(self):
-        actual_number_of_contrasts = 10
-        n_voxels = 1000
-        shape_list = itertools.product([1, actual_number_of_contrasts], [1, self.n_sampling_points])
-        module = InternalAccumulator(self.module, n_repetitions=actual_number_of_contrasts)
-        for reps, timings in shape_list:
-            with self.subTest():
-                target_shape = (actual_number_of_contrasts, self.n_sampling_points)
-                m_transverse = tf.ones((n_voxels, actual_number_of_contrasts, timings),
-                                       dtype=tf.complex64)
-                r_vectors = tf.random.normal((n_voxels, reps, timings, 3))
-                module(m_transverse, r_vectors, 0)
-                k = module.get_kspace()
-                self.assertTrue(all(i == j for i, j in zip(target_shape, tuple(k.shape))))
-    def test_bloch_input_handler(self):
-        module = BlochOperatorInput(self.module)
-        m_transverse = tf.ones((100, 3), dtype=tf.complex64)
-        with self.subTest():
-            r_vectors = tf.random.normal((100, 1, 3))
-            k = module(m_transverse, r_vectors)
-        with self.subTest():
-            r_vectors = tf.random.normal((100, module._segmented_sampling_times[0].shape[0], 3))
-            k = module(m_transverse, r_vectors)
 class TestValues(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_dc_input(self):