# Essential Vision preprocessing pipeline Application to preprocess animated 3D medical data for Essential Vision application. See the [official webpage of Essential Vision](https://www.essential-vision.org/) for more detailed list of features and demo videos. ## Compatible models * You can import models as a series of VTK models. The [input format specification is here](https://github.com/MicroscopeIT/holo-preprocess/tree/master/Input%20documentation). Example VTK model is inside `Test Model` subdirectory there. This is the advised format, that supports animation using blend shapes. * Or you can import models with each layer loaded from Unity assets (so it can be .obj, .prefab or any other model format supported by Unity). Example is inside `EVPreprocessing/Assets/Test Models/Skull/` in this repository. #### Converting VTK model series into Asset Bundles **In Unity GUI** Open Unity project from unity/EVPreprocessing. 1. Run script: **EVPreprocessing -> Create an AssetBundle from an external supported format** 2. Choose the directory with model time series in VTK files 3. Your resulting AssetBundle is located in _**<repository location>/unity/Holo/Assets/StreamingAssets/<name of converted directory>\_bundle(.manifest)**_ **Through CMD** 1. Run CMD as an administrator 2. Run the following command: ``` "<Path to Unity.exe>" -quit -batchmode -logFile "<Path to the Unitys logfile>" -projectPath "<path to the EVPreprocessing project>" -executeMethod DataPreparator.ImportWithConversion --RootDirectory "<Directory of the input's model root folder>" --OutputDir ""<Directory where ABs will be stored" --LogDir "<directory where debug logfiles will be stored>" ``` **Important:** Path to the Unity.exe needs to lead to the 2018.4 version. --OutputDir and --LogDir flags need to be raised, if user wants to leave them at the default paths, one just needs to leave their values empty.