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ACDM (Automated crack detection and measurement) is a MATLAB software for the automated measurement of cracks in experiments instrumented with digital image correlation (DIC). The software allows the automatic detection of crack locations and the measurement of crack kinematics.
**Please cite the following works when using this software:**<br>
**[N. Gehri, J. Mata-Falcón, W. Kaufmann, Automated crack detection and measurement based on digital image correlation, Construction and Building Materials, 256 (2020), Article 119383, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119383](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119383)**
<img src="uploads/ACDM_GraphicalAbstract.png" alt="Graphical abstract" width=400/>
## Quick navigation
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## Copyright and license
ACDM is copyright, 2020, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.<br>
The source code contained in this repository is currently restricted for internal use at the Chair of Structural Engineering - Concrete Structures and Bridge Design, ETH Zürich only.
[wiki-about]: About-ACDM
[wiki-contributing]: Contributing
[wiki-setup]: Setup-Guide
[wiki-docs]: Technical-Documentation
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[about-logo]: uploads/information-circle.png
[contributing-logo]: uploads/pencil.png
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[documentation-logo]: uploads/document-text.png |