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honguyen / Model-driven Privacy
MIT LicenseModel transformations and examples of the paper Model-driven Privacy.
Updated -
This repository provides the code for the submission of the scientific paper titled: "Enabling mass customization of animal trackers by design automation". This paper includes research of Patrick Beutler, Troels Gregersen, Joël Roth, Nina Richter, Mirko Meboldt, Martin Wikelski and Timm A. Wild. Please do not share the content prior to publication of the work.
The use of the code of the design automation prototype requires the following installation steps:
Install Rhino/Grasshopper Install Compiled Grasshopper Plugins Store the folder "Components", Excel file "Components.xlsx", and Grasshopper file locally (.gh). Open the .gh file and set the location of the folder correctly.Note1: The source code must not be used to test the code. There is a compiled version provided (.gha files in "02_Compiled_Grasshopper_Plugins").