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amiv / docker-landscape
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Docker images to run Canonical Landscape with docker
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amiv / AMIV SugarCRM Docker
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
nsg / Public / Adv-net-2020-project
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPublic repository for the project infrastructure
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Burger generator and voting tool for the 125 year anniversary.
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HVL / hvl_ccb
OtherDEPRACATED REPOSITORY, now at: https://gitlab.com/ethz_hvl/hvl_ccb/
Don't forget to update your remote url:
$ git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.com:ethz_hvl/hvl_ccb.gitArchived 1Updated -
amiv / amivapi_old
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0MIRROR: The REST API behind most of AMIV's web services. // Contribute at https://github.com/amiv-eth/amivapi // http://api.amiv.ethz.ch/docs
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Marius Lange / Jupyter on Euler
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyShell script that starts a Jupyter notebook in a batch job on Euler and connects your local browser with it. Supported are kernels for Python, R, Bash and Julia
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