From 7e173ae71bd2ed407bbbd687952dd70b83aba838 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bengt Giger <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:09:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Enable pip, with geopandas moved from mamba

 Dockerfile | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index add7d9e..9b645ba 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -138,64 +138,65 @@ RUN conda config --set default_threads 4 && \
 # Python from pypi
-# RUN PIP_PROXY= pip3 install --proxy= --default-timeout=100 \
-#   adjustText \
-#   anndata \
-#   asserts \
-#   astroquery \
-#   brainpy \
-#   brightway25 \
-#   Cartopy \
-#   deep_translator \
-#   ecoinvent-interface \
-#   einsteinpy \
-#   eppy \
-#   gmsh \
-#   goatools \
-#   gseapy \
-#   gurobipy \
-#   jaxopt \
-#   jupyterlab-spreadsheet-editor \
-#   jupyter_ai \
-#   keybert \
-#   langchain-openai \
-#   lmfit \
-#   mariopy \
-#   mycolorpy \
-#   mpl-interactions["jupyter"] \
-#   mpl_point_clicker \
-#   networkit \
-#   networkx \
-#   numdifftools \
-#   obspy \
-#   openai \
-#   opencv-python opencv-contrib-python \
-#   otter-grader \
-#   petitRADTRANS \
-#   zfit \
-#   PyAstronomy \
-#   pycosmo \
-#   pycryptodome \
-#   pyFAI \
-#   pymatgen \
-#   pymrio \
-#   pypardiso \
-#   pyvista \
-#   rise \
-#   scanpy \
-#   sensemapi \
-#   scikit-image \
-#   scikit-kinematics \
-#   summa \
-#   tensorflow \
-#   "tensorflow-probability[jax]" \
-#   torch \
-#   umap \
-#   umap-learn \
-#   vpython \
-#   wiktionaryparser \
-#   xgboost \
-#   yolov5
+RUN PIP_PROXY= pip3 install --proxy= --default-timeout=100 \
+  adjustText \
+  anndata \
+  asserts \
+  astroquery \
+  brainpy \
+  brightway25 \
+  Cartopy \
+  deep_translator \
+  ecoinvent-interface \
+  einsteinpy \
+  eppy \
+  geopandas \
+  gmsh \
+  goatools \
+  gseapy \
+  gurobipy \
+  jaxopt \
+  jupyterlab-spreadsheet-editor \
+  jupyter_ai \
+  keybert \
+  langchain-openai \
+  lmfit \
+  mariopy \
+  mycolorpy \
+  mpl-interactions["jupyter"] \
+  mpl_point_clicker \
+  networkit \
+  networkx \
+  numdifftools \
+  obspy \
+  openai \
+  opencv-python opencv-contrib-python \
+  otter-grader \
+  petitRADTRANS \
+  zfit \
+  PyAstronomy \
+  pycosmo \
+  pycryptodome \
+  pyFAI \
+  pymatgen \
+  pymrio \
+  pypardiso \
+  pyvista \
+  rise \
+  scanpy \
+  sensemapi \
+  scikit-image \
+  scikit-kinematics \
+  summa \
+  tensorflow \
+  "tensorflow-probability[jax]" \
+  torch \
+  umap \
+  umap-learn \
+  vpython \
+  wiktionaryparser \
+  xgboost \
+  yolov5
 # =====================
 # Packages requested after semester start, should go to the list 2 RUNs above if a major rebuild is planned.