diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index d003dde4612e500c8cc5645a4a572968abb622ee..713e3102b77697168d294f352dc097931e8020ee 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -68,11 +68,6 @@ RUN Rscript >/dev/null 2>&1 -e "install.packages(pkgs=c( \
 # Python and R from Condaforge
-# Packages breaking Jupyter or other packages
-  # autogluon \
-  # pyvista \
-  # root \  # breaks sqlite3, hub fails to start
 RUN conda config --set default_threads 4 && \
   mamba install -q -c defaults -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c bokeh \
   arviz \
@@ -193,6 +188,13 @@ RUN PIP_PROXY=http://proxy.ethz.ch:3128 pip3 install --proxy=http://proxy.ethz.c
   xgboost \
+RUN conda config --set default_threads 4 && \
+  mamba install -q -c defaults -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c bokeh \
+  autogluon \
+  # pyvista \
+  # root \  # breaks sqlite3, hub fails to start
 # =====================
 # Packages requested after semester start, should go to the list 2 RUNs above if a major rebuild is planned.
 # Placing it here keeps the image cache disk space low, because it adds only a thin extra layer