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Packaging is tricky. The goal is to make an executable .exe for Windows (Mac OSX and Linux support later).
## fman build system (fbs)
For stand-alone executable from PyQt5
- https://build-system.fman.io/manual/
- https://github.com/mherrmann
- https://github.com/mherrmann/fbs-tutorial
- https://build-system.fman.io/troubleshooting
- https://www.learnpyqt.com/courses/packaging-and-distribution/packaging-pyqt5-apps-fbs/
pip install fbs PyQt5==5.9.2 pyinstaller==3.4
**Not sure this installation works anymore. Since v0.20.0 fbs Pro is used.**
## Notes about specific modules
### plotly
After packaging, the **QtWebEngineView** does not work. If the exe is executed, this error message appears:
``Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe``
**QtWebEngineView.exe** cannot be found, but it is available in the folder:
There is a solution to this that worked:
### statsmodels
Generates an error when trying to use fbs. Code compiles OK, but then on trying to execute the script there is an error and app does not start.
In short:
- DOES NOT WORK: import statsmodels.api as sm
- **WORKS: import statsmodels.formula.api as smf**
More Info
- https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/3921
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56810739/error-when-using-statsmodels-with-pyinstaller
### pandas-profiling (not used)
Convenient module that generates statistical output that can be exported to a file. Unfortunately including this module in the code generates this error when trying to run the .exe on Windows:
> confuse.ConfigReadError: file L:\Dropbox\luhk_work\Programming\ProjectRoom Repository\Amp_INDEV\Amp_dist_test\target\Amp\pandas_profiling\config_default.yaml could not be read: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'L:\\Dropbox\\luhk_work\\Programming\\ProjectRoom Repository\\Amp_INDEV\\Amp_dist_test\\target\\Amp\\pandas_profiling\\config_default.yaml'
GitHub Link
- https://github.com/pandas-profiling/pandas-profiling
pip install pandas-profiling
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