# Inform the user
echo "Now starting the \"updatewebinterface.sh\" shell script"
echo ""
# Put the web home as a variable
# Put the dfall home as a variable
# Inform the user of the directories
echo "Using the following directories:"
echo ">> wwwhome = $wwwhome"
echo ">> dfallhome = $dfallhome"
echo ""
# Change directory to the web home
cd $wwwhome
echo "Changed directory to $wwwhome"
echo ""
# REMOVE the contents of the js folder
rm -v js/*.js
echo "Removed the \"*.js\" contents of the \"js\" folder"
rm -v js/*
echo "Removed any other contents of the \"js\" folder"
rmdir -v js
echo "Removed the \"js\" folder"
echo ""
# Make the javacript folder again
mkdir -v js
echo "Remade the \"js\" folder"
# Copy the javscripts files
cp -v $dfallhome"/js/"*.js $wwwhome"/js/"
echo "Copied across the \"js\" folder contents"
echo ""
# REMOVE the contents of the img folder
rm -v img/*.*
echo "Removed the \"*.*\" contents of the \"img\" folder"
rm -v img/*
echo "Removed any other contents of the \"img\" folder"
rmdir -v img
echo "Removed the \"img\" folder"
echo ""
# Make the img folder again
mkdir -v img
echo "Remade the \"img\" folder"
# Copy the img files
cp -v $dfallhome"/img/"*.* $wwwhome"/img/"
echo "Copied across the \"img\" folder contents"
echo ""
# REMOVE the contents of the css folder
rm -v css/*.css
echo "Removed the \"*.css\" contents of the \"css\" folder"
rm -v css/*
echo "Removed any other contents of the \"css\" folder"
rmdir -v css
echo "Removed the \"css\" folder"
echo ""
# Make the img folder again
mkdir -v css
echo "Remade the \"css\" folder"
# Copy the img files
cp -v $dfallhome"/css/"*.css $wwwhome"/css/"
echo "Copied across the \"css\" folder contents"
echo ""
# REMOVE the contents of the bashscripts folder
rm -v bashscripts/*.sh
echo "Removed all the contents of the \"bashscripts\" folder"
rmdir -v bashscripts
echo "Removed the \"bashscripts\" folder"
echo ""
# Make the img folder again
mkdir -v bashscripts
echo "Remade the \"bashscripts\" folder"
# Copy the bashscript files
cp -v $dfallhome"/bashscripts/"*.sh $wwwhome"/bashscripts/"
echo "Copied across the \"bashscripts\" folder contents"
echo ""
# Remove the "uploads" folder, if it exists
rm -v uploads/*
echo "Removed all contents of the \"uploads\" folder"
rmdir -v uploads
echo "Removed the \"uploads\" folder"
echo ""
# Make the uploads folder again
mkdir -v uploads
echo "Remade the \"uploads\" folder"
echo ""
# REMOVE the contents of the wwwhome folder
rm -v *.php
rm -v *.html
rm -v *.*
echo "Removed all the contents of the \"wwwhome\" folder"
echo ""
# Copy the html files
cp -v $dfallhome"/"*.html $wwwhome"/"
echo "Copied across the \"*.html\" files"
echo ""
# Copy the php files
cp -v $dfallhome"/"*.php $wwwhome"/"
echo "Copied across the \"*.php\" files"
echo ""