diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/README.md b/crazyflie-firmware/README.md
index c6e4a032ea30cd55ee9d62052c9f767107f2c9f4..40219f33fd4da81a2821048a67f42c3ac2fc6a08 100644
--- a/crazyflie-firmware/README.md
+++ b/crazyflie-firmware/README.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware
 However, it is easiest to locate the official realease versions of the firmware from here:<br>
-The complete instructions for applying the patch are given separately for each firmware version.
+The complete instructions for applying the patch are given separately for each firmware version (currently only one firmware version).
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ To apply the patch, use the following sequence of commands:
 `git clone --recursive https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware.git`<br>
 `cd crazyflie-firmware`<br>
 `git checkout e27cd170b7eb8be7ed1cbbc9f5622b469d335d97`<br>
+Note that it is also possible to checkout this commit using the commit tag, i.e., using `git checkout 2020.02`
 **Step 2:** Apply the patch:<br>
-`git apply <folder_to_dfall-system_repository>/crazyflie_firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2019-09/firmware_modifications_for_version_2019-09.patch`<br>
+`git apply <folder_to_dfall-system_repository>/crazyflie_firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-20/firmware_modifications_for_version_2020-20.patch`<br>
 Now the repository is ready to compile. To do this, first make sure that you have
 installed the necessary toolchain as described above ([Install Compilation Toolchain](#install-compilation-toolchain)).
@@ -63,47 +65,4 @@ The pre-compiled binary files are already included in this repository. To update
 To update the firmware of both the main processor and the nrf processor, select the file:<br>
-## Firware Version 2017-06
-The hash of the exact commit to which this patch applies is:<br>
-As commited on Mon Feb 3 15:04:52 2020 +0100
-To apply the patch, use the following sequence of commands:
-**Step 1:** Clone the repository and checkout the appropriate commit:<br>
-`git clone --recursive https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware.git`<br>
-`cd crazyflie-firmware`<br>
-`git checkout f4d21213d7ce37d7ed7338fad0f9a94a96cec191`<br>
-**Step 2:** Apply the patch:<br>
-`git apply <folder_to_dfall-system_repository>/crazyflie_firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware_modifications_for_version_2017-06.patch`<br>
-Now the repository is ready to compile. To do this, first make sure that you have
-installed the necessary toolchain as described above ([Install Compilation Toolchain](#install-compilation-toolchain)).
-**Step 3:** In the `crazyflie-firmware` folder where you applied the patch, compile the firmware using the following command:<br>
-`make PLATFORM=CF2`
-If everything is successful, you will see something like this:<br>
-<img src="success_building_for_version_2017-06.png" style="width: 400px;"/> <br><br>
-This should have created the binary file `cf2.bin`.
-**Step 4:** upload the binary to the crazyflie processor by following the instructions given here:<br>
-Instructions are also given in the wiki of this repository under:
-The pre-compiled binary files are already included in this repository. To update the firmware of just the main processor, select the file:
-To update the firmware of both the main processor and the nrf processor, select the file:<br>
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf1-2017.06.bin b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf1-2017.06.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe23d6d7142ee791214be735a5bbe51bdea8024..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf1-2017.06.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.bin b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.bin
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f2a63f7b230e616de18d2fe1f5df25f36b6a7b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf2_nrf-2017.05.bin b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf2_nrf-2017.05.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index e73ab57124abde79c75fe14a754a7ad40f0a7c59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/cf2_nrf-2017.05.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware-cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.zip b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware-cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ac384102115983868f12721c3e79117775817d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware-cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware_modifications_for_version_2017-06.patch b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware_modifications_for_version_2017-06.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0718a5654065db8dff377ef1f1a7568a524cc88d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/firmware_modifications_for_version_2017-06.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/modules/interface/attitude_controller.h b/src/modules/interface/attitude_controller.h
-index ad23ef0..f79b7d1 100644
---- a/src/modules/interface/attitude_controller.h
-+++ b/src/modules/interface/attitude_controller.h
-@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ void attitudeControllerResetRollAttitudePID(void);
-  */
- void attitudeControllerResetPitchAttitudePID(void);
-+ * Reset controller yaw attitude PID
-+ */
-+void attitudeControllerResetYawAttitudePID(void);
- /**
-  * Reset controller roll, pitch and yaw PID's.
-  */
-diff --git a/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h b/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
-index 418cc0b..30d031b 100644
---- a/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
-+++ b/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
-@@ -144,6 +144,10 @@ typedef struct control_s {
-   int16_t pitch;
-   int16_t yaw;
-   float thrust;
-+  uint16_t cmd1;
-+  uint16_t cmd2;
-+  uint16_t cmd3;
-+  uint16_t cmd4;
- } control_t;
- typedef enum mode_e {
-@@ -152,12 +156,24 @@ typedef enum mode_e {
-   modeVelocity
- } stab_mode_t;
-+typedef enum pps_mode_e {
-+  modeDisabled = 0,
-+  modeMotors,
-+  modeRate,
-+  modeAngle
-+} pps_mode_t;
- typedef struct setpoint_s {
-   uint32_t timestamp;
-   attitude_t attitude;
-   attitude_t attitudeRate;
-   float thrust;
-+  pps_mode_t pps_mode;
-+  uint16_t cmd1;
-+  uint16_t cmd2;
-+  uint16_t cmd3;
-+  uint16_t cmd4;
-   point_t position;
-   velocity_t velocity;
-   bool velocity_body;
-diff --git a/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c b/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c
-index 8b5f4aa..f16288f 100644
---- a/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c
-+++ b/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c
-@@ -142,9 +142,14 @@ void attitudeControllerResetRollAttitudePID(void)
- void attitudeControllerResetPitchAttitudePID(void)
- {
--    pidReset(&pidRoll);
-+    pidReset(&pidPitch);
- }
-+void attitudeControllerResetYawAttitudePID(void)
-+    pidReset(&pidYaw);
- void attitudeControllerResetAllPID(void)
- {
-   pidReset(&pidRoll);
-diff --git a/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c b/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c
-index 0e5e62d..516315a 100644
---- a/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c
-+++ b/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c
-@@ -51,9 +51,13 @@ void stateController(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
-   }
--    positionController(&actuatorThrust, &attitudeDesired, setpoint, state);
-+      if(setpoint->pps_mode != modeMotors && setpoint->pps_mode != modeRate && setpoint->pps_mode != modeAngle)
-+      {
-+          positionController(&actuatorThrust, &attitudeDesired, setpoint, state);
-+      }
-   }
-     // Switch between manual and automatic position control
-     if (setpoint->mode.z == modeDisable) {
-@@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ void stateController(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
-       attitudeDesired.roll = setpoint->attitude.roll;
-       attitudeDesired.pitch = setpoint->attitude.pitch;
-     }
-+    /* if everything is modeVelocity, skip this */
-     attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(state->attitude.roll, state->attitude.pitch, state->attitude.yaw,
-                                 attitudeDesired.roll, attitudeDesired.pitch, attitudeDesired.yaw,
-                                 &rateDesired.roll, &rateDesired.pitch, &rateDesired.yaw);
-@@ -80,6 +84,12 @@ void stateController(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
-       attitudeControllerResetPitchAttitudePID();
-     }
-+    //added for PPSSafeController to make the Onboard Controller using the external YawRate. Pure speed controller, no position/500 small steps
-+    if (setpoint->mode.yaw == modeVelocity) {
-+      rateDesired.yaw = (-1) * setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw;
-+      attitudeControllerResetYawAttitudePID();
-+    }
-     // TODO: Investigate possibility to subtract gyro drift.
-     attitudeControllerCorrectRatePID(sensors->gyro.x, -sensors->gyro.y, sensors->gyro.z,
-                              rateDesired.roll, rateDesired.pitch, rateDesired.yaw);
-@@ -100,19 +110,76 @@ void stateController(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
-     control->thrust = actuatorThrust;
-   }
--  if (control->thrust == 0)
-+  if(setpoint->pps_mode == modeMotors)
-   {
--    control->thrust = 0;
--    control->roll = 0;
--    control->pitch = 0;
--    control->yaw = 0;
--    attitudeControllerResetAllPID();
--    positionControllerResetAllPID();
--    // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
--    attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
-+      control->roll = 0;
-+      control->pitch = 0;
-+      control->yaw = 0;
-+      control->cmd1 = setpoint->cmd1;
-+      control->cmd2 = setpoint->cmd2;
-+      control->cmd3 = setpoint->cmd3;
-+      control->cmd4 = setpoint->cmd4;
-+      if ((control->cmd1 == 0 && control->cmd2 == 0 && control->cmd3 == 0 && control->cmd4 == 0))
-+      {
-+          control->cmd1 = 0;
-+          control->cmd2 = 0;
-+          control->cmd3 = 0;
-+          control->cmd4 = 0;
-+          control->roll = 0;
-+          control->pitch = 0;
-+          control->yaw = 0;
-+          attitudeControllerResetAllPID();
-+          positionControllerResetAllPID();
-+          // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
-+          attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
-+      }
-+  }
-+  else if(setpoint->pps_mode == modeRate || setpoint->pps_mode == modeAngle)
-+  {
-+      control->cmd1 = setpoint->cmd1;
-+      control->cmd2 = setpoint->cmd2;
-+      control->cmd3 = setpoint->cmd3;
-+      control->cmd4 = setpoint->cmd4;
-+      if ((control->cmd1 == 0 && control->cmd2 == 0 && control->cmd3 == 0 && control->cmd4 == 0))
-+      {
-+          control->cmd1 = 0;
-+          control->cmd2 = 0;
-+          control->cmd3 = 0;
-+          control->cmd4 = 0;
-+          control->roll = 0;
-+          control->pitch = 0;
-+          control->yaw = 0;
-+          attitudeControllerResetAllPID();
-+          positionControllerResetAllPID();
-+          // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
-+          attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
-+      }
-   }
-+  else                          /* pps_mode == modeDisabled */
-+  {
-+      control->cmd1 = control->thrust;
-+      control->cmd2 = control->thrust;
-+      control->cmd3 = control->thrust;
-+      control->cmd4 = control->thrust;
-+      if (control->thrust == 0)
-+      {
-+          control->thrust = 0;
-+          control->roll = 0;
-+          control->pitch = 0;
-+          control->yaw = 0;
-+          attitudeControllerResetAllPID();
-+          positionControllerResetAllPID();
-+          // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
-+          attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
-+      }
-+  }
- }
-diff --git a/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c b/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c
-index 993dead..4370101 100644
---- a/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c
-+++ b/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c
-@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
- #include "num.h"
- #include "FreeRTOS.h"
-+/* #include "motors.h" */
- /* The generic commander format contains a packet type and data that has to be
-  * decoded into a setpoint_t structure. The aim is to make it future-proof
-  * by easily allowing the addition of new packets for future use cases.
-@@ -67,6 +69,9 @@ enum packet_type {
-   cppmEmuType       = 3,
-   altHoldType       = 4,
-   hoverType         = 5,
-+  PPSMotorsType     = 8,
-+  PPSRateType       = 9,
-+  PPSAngleType      = 10,
- };
- /* ---===== 2 - Decoding functions =====--- */
-@@ -292,6 +297,152 @@ static void hoverDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, s
-   setpoint->velocity_body = true;
- }
-+struct PPSMotorsPacket_s {
-+    uint16_t cmd1;
-+    uint16_t cmd2;
-+    uint16_t cmd3;
-+    uint16_t cmd4;
-+} __attribute__((packed));
-+static void PPSMotorsDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
-+    const struct PPSMotorsPacket_s *values = data;
-+    ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct PPSMotorsPacket_s));
-+    /* we dont use position controller onboard */
-+	setpoint->mode.x = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->mode.y = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->thrust = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.x = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.y = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.z = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.x = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.y = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.z = 0;
-+    /* we dont use rate controller onboard either */
-+    setpoint->mode.roll = modeDisable;
-+    setpoint->mode.pitch = modeDisable;
-+    setpoint->mode.yaw = modeDisable;
-+    setpoint->attitude.roll = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitude.pitch = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitude.yaw = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = 0;
-+    /* update cmds */
-+    setpoint->cmd1 = limitUint16(values->cmd1);
-+    setpoint->cmd2 = limitUint16(values->cmd2);
-+    setpoint->cmd3 = limitUint16(values->cmd3);
-+    setpoint->cmd4 = limitUint16(values->cmd4);
-+    setpoint->pps_mode = modeMotors;
-+struct PPSRatePacket_s {
-+    uint16_t cmd1;
-+    uint16_t cmd2;
-+    uint16_t cmd3;
-+    uint16_t cmd4;
-+    float roll_rate;
-+    float pitch_rate;
-+    float yaw_rate;
-+} __attribute__((packed));
-+static void PPSRateDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
-+    const struct PPSRatePacket_s *values = data;
-+    ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct PPSRatePacket_s));
-+    /* we dont use position controller onboard */
-+	setpoint->mode.x = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->mode.y = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->thrust = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.x = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.y = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.z = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.x = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.y = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.z = 0;
-+    /* we use rate controller onboard either */
-+    setpoint->mode.roll = modeVelocity;
-+    setpoint->mode.pitch = modeVelocity;
-+    setpoint->mode.yaw = modeVelocity;
-+    setpoint->attitude.roll = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitude.pitch = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitude.yaw = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = values->roll_rate;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = values->pitch_rate;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = values->yaw_rate;
-+    /* update cmds */
-+    setpoint->cmd1 = limitUint16(values->cmd1);
-+    setpoint->cmd2 = limitUint16(values->cmd2);
-+    setpoint->cmd3 = limitUint16(values->cmd3);
-+    setpoint->cmd4 = limitUint16(values->cmd4);
-+    setpoint->pps_mode = modeRate;
-+struct PPSAnglePacket_s {
-+    uint16_t cmd1;
-+    uint16_t cmd2;
-+    uint16_t cmd3;
-+    uint16_t cmd4;
-+    float roll;
-+    float pitch;
-+    float yaw;
-+} __attribute__((packed));
-+static void PPSAngleDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
-+    const struct PPSAnglePacket_s *values = data;
-+    ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct PPSRatePacket_s));
-+    /* we dont use position controller onboard */
-+	setpoint->mode.x = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->mode.y = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
-+	setpoint->thrust = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.x = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.y = 0;
-+	setpoint->position.z = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.x = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.y = 0;
-+	setpoint->velocity.z = 0;
-+    /* we use position angle controller onboard */
-+    setpoint->mode.roll = modeAbs;
-+    setpoint->mode.pitch = modeAbs;
-+    setpoint->mode.yaw = modeAbs;
-+    setpoint->attitude.roll = values->roll;
-+    setpoint->attitude.pitch = values->pitch;
-+    setpoint->attitude.yaw = values->yaw;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0;
-+    setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = 0;
-+    /* update cmds */
-+    setpoint->cmd1 = limitUint16(values->cmd1);
-+    setpoint->cmd2 = limitUint16(values->cmd2);
-+    setpoint->cmd3 = limitUint16(values->cmd3);
-+    setpoint->cmd4 = limitUint16(values->cmd4);
-+    setpoint->pps_mode = modeAngle;
-  /* ---===== 3 - packetDecoders array =====--- */
- const static packetDecoder_t packetDecoders[] = {
-   [stopType]          = stopDecoder,
-@@ -300,6 +451,9 @@ const static packetDecoder_t packetDecoders[] = {
-   [cppmEmuType]       = cppmEmuDecoder,
-   [altHoldType]       = altHoldDecoder,
-   [hoverType]         = hoverDecoder,
-+  [PPSMotorsType]     = PPSMotorsDecoder,
-+  [PPSRateType]       = PPSRateDecoder,
-+  [PPSAngleType]      = PPSAngleDecoder,
- };
- /* Decoder switch */
-diff --git a/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c b/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c
-index 0e66c0b..79d5f2c 100644
---- a/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c
-+++ b/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c
-@@ -76,18 +76,19 @@ void powerDistribution(const control_t *control)
-     int16_t r = control->roll / 2.0f;
-     int16_t p = control->pitch / 2.0f;
--    motorPower.m1 = limitThrust(control->thrust - r + p + control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m2 = limitThrust(control->thrust - r - p - control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m3 =  limitThrust(control->thrust + r - p + control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m4 =  limitThrust(control->thrust + r + p - control->yaw);
-+    motorPower.m1 = limitThrust(control->cmd1 - r + p + control->yaw);
-+    motorPower.m2 = limitThrust(control->cmd2 - r - p - control->yaw);
-+    motorPower.m3 =  limitThrust(control->cmd3 + r - p + control->yaw);
-+    motorPower.m4 =  limitThrust(control->cmd4 + r + p - control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m1 = limitThrust(control->thrust + control->pitch +
-+    motorPower.m1 = limitThrust(control->cmd1 + control->pitch +
-                                control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m2 = limitThrust(control->thrust - control->roll -
-+    motorPower.m2 = limitThrust(control->cmd2 - control->roll -
-                                control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m3 =  limitThrust(control->thrust - control->pitch +
-+    motorPower.m3 =  limitThrust(control->cmd3 - control->pitch +
-                                control->yaw);
--    motorPower.m4 =  limitThrust(control->thrust + control->roll -
-+    motorPower.m4 =  limitThrust(control->cmd4 + control->roll -
-                                control->yaw);
-   #endif
-diff --git a/src/modules/src/stabilizer.c b/src/modules/src/stabilizer.c
-index eccc709..6b9fcc3 100644
---- a/src/modules/src/stabilizer.c
-+++ b/src/modules/src/stabilizer.c
-@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ static void stabilizerTask(void* param)
-     commanderGetSetpoint(&setpoint, &state);
-     sitAwUpdateSetpoint(&setpoint, &sensorData, &state);
-     stateController(&control, &setpoint, &sensorData, &state, tick);
-     checkEmergencyStopTimeout();
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/manifest.json b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f97a9ac6d1174015a31ee746aab63d97dba97a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2017-06/manifest.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-    "version": 1,
-    "subversion": 1,
-    "release": "2017.06",
-    "files": {
-        "cf2-2017.06_withDfallPatch.bin": {
-            "platform": "cf2",
-            "target": "stm32",
-            "type": "fw",
-            "release": "2017.06",
-            "repository": "crazyflie-firmware"
-        },
-        "cf2_nrf-2017.05.bin": {
-            "platform": "cf2",
-            "target": "nrf51",
-            "type": "fw",
-            "release": "2017.05",
-            "repository": "crazyflie2-nrf-firmware"
-        },
-        "cf1-2017.06.bin": {
-            "platform": "cf1",
-            "target": "stm32",
-            "type": "fw",
-            "release": "2017.06",
-            "repository": "crazyflie-firmware"
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.bin b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.bin
index 01fe563354fc0d4ecf38feabf6440f162f703ee3..04fddf6eca9a4b1b9cac7f9c1162e74ae2a84f55 100755
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.bin and b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.bin differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware-cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.zip b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware-cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.zip
index 5b372f7f3eef8a006ae39c8c994eedd03ade5e98..fea06a8cc08ee07cdeeba670ba7d17ae49667a89 100644
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware-cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.zip and b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware-cf2-2020.02_withDfallPatch.zip differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware_modifications_for_version_2020-02.patch b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware_modifications_for_version_2020-02.patch
index 776fa60d4faf6946623680e6b87091a96c573656..6b2d1151426995f11f155d2bb8904bc54fe14748 100644
--- a/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware_modifications_for_version_2020-02.patch
+++ b/crazyflie-firmware/crazyflie-firmware-version-2020-02/firmware_modifications_for_version_2020-02.patch
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ index fe25dc0..fd69bdc 100644
   * Reset controller roll, pitch and yaw PID's.
 diff --git a/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h b/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
-index fc3e378..272cc88 100644
+index fc3e378..c51fdbd 100644
 --- a/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
 +++ b/src/modules/interface/stabilizer_types.h
 @@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ typedef struct control_s {
@@ -29,25 +29,10 @@ index fc3e378..272cc88 100644
  } control_t;
  typedef enum mode_e {
-@@ -167,6 +171,13 @@ typedef enum mode_e {
-   modeVelocity
- } stab_mode_t;
-+typedef enum dfall_mode_e {
-+  modeDfallDisable = 0,
-+  modeDfallMotors,
-+  modeDfallRate,
-+  modeDfallAngle,
-+} dfall_mode_t;
- typedef struct setpoint_s {
-   uint32_t timestamp;
-@@ -174,6 +185,11 @@ typedef struct setpoint_s {
+@@ -174,11 +178,17 @@ typedef struct setpoint_s {
    attitude_t attitudeRate;  // deg/s
    quaternion_t attitudeQuaternion;
    float thrust;
-+  dfall_mode_t dfall_mode;
 +  uint16_t cmd1;
 +  uint16_t cmd2;
 +  uint16_t cmd3;
@@ -55,6 +40,13 @@ index fc3e378..272cc88 100644
    point_t position;         // m
    velocity_t velocity;      // m/s
    acc_t acceleration;       // m/s^2
+   bool velocity_body;       // true if velocity is given in body frame; false if velocity is given in world frame
++  bool useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID;
+   struct {
+     stab_mode_t x;
+     stab_mode_t y;
 diff --git a/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c b/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c
 index b7d707e..bcb02bc 100644
 --- a/src/modules/src/attitude_pid_controller.c
@@ -72,25 +64,10 @@ index b7d707e..bcb02bc 100644
 diff --git a/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c b/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c
-index f4ecb75..4a9047c 100644
+index f4ecb75..673b5cc 100644
 --- a/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c
 +++ b/src/modules/src/controller_pid.c
-@@ -74,7 +74,13 @@ void controllerPid(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
-   }
--    positionController(&actuatorThrust, &attitudeDesired, setpoint, state);
-+    // Check if the "dfall_mode" needs the position controller to run
-+    bool posControllIsNeeded_for_dfall_mode = (setpoint->dfall_mode != modeDfallMotors && setpoint->dfall_mode != modeDfallRate && setpoint->dfall_mode != modeDfallAngle);
-+    // Hence run the position controller only if needed
-+    if (posControllIsNeeded_for_dfall_mode)
-+    {
-+      positionController(&actuatorThrust, &attitudeDesired, setpoint, state);
-+    }
-   }
-@@ -132,6 +138,9 @@ void controllerPid(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
+@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ void controllerPid(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
      control->thrust = actuatorThrust;
@@ -100,57 +77,57 @@ index f4ecb75..4a9047c 100644
    if (control->thrust == 0)
      control->thrust = 0;
-@@ -150,6 +159,89 @@ void controllerPid(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
+@@ -150,6 +153,92 @@ void controllerPid(control_t *control, setpoint_t *setpoint,
      // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
      attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
 +  */
-+  // This set of "if:then:else" statements is used to specify
-+  // the "control->cmd{1,2,3,4}" depending on the "setpoint->dfall_mode"
-+  // And in all cases perform the check if either:
-+  // >> "control->thrust==0", or
-+  // >> "control->cmd{1,2,3,4}==0"
-+  // where the check performed is appropriate to the case.
-+  // The result of the check is used to set all commands to zero and
-+  // to reset all PIDs, if necessary.
-+  // Default the check to false
-+  bool isZeroThrust = false;
-+  if (setpoint->dfall_mode == modeDfallMotors)
++  // The following "if:then:else" statements is used to
++  // specify the "control->cmd{1,2,3,4}" depending on
++  // the boolean:
++  // >> "setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID"
++  if (setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID)
 +  {
 +    // Set the {roll,pitch,yaw} commands to zero
-+    control->roll = 0;
-+    control->pitch = 0;
-+    control->yaw = 0;
-+    // Copy across the per motor commands
-+    control->cmd1 = setpoint->cmd1;
-+    control->cmd2 = setpoint->cmd2;
-+    control->cmd3 = setpoint->cmd3;
-+    control->cmd4 = setpoint->cmd4;
-+    // Perform check for all thrust being zero
-+    if ((control->cmd1 == 0 && control->cmd2 == 0 && control->cmd3 == 0 && control->cmd4 == 0))
++    // if indicated by the respective mode
++    if (setpoint->mode.roll == modeDisable)
 +    {
-+      // Set the flag to true that thrusts are zero
-+      isZeroThrust = true;
++      control->roll = 0;
++      cmd_roll = 0.0;
 +    }
-+  }
-+  else if(setpoint->dfall_mode == modeDfallRate || setpoint->dfall_mode == modeDfallAngle)
-+  {
-+    // Copy across the per motor commands
-+    control->cmd1 = setpoint->cmd1;
-+    control->cmd2 = setpoint->cmd2;
-+    control->cmd3 = setpoint->cmd3;
-+    control->cmd4 = setpoint->cmd4;
-+    // Perform check for all thrust being zero
-+    if ((control->cmd1 == 0 && control->cmd2 == 0 && control->cmd3 == 0 && control->cmd4 == 0))
++    if (setpoint->mode.pitch == modeDisable)
++    {
++      control->pitch = 0;
++      cmd_pitch = 0.0;
++    }
++    if (setpoint->mode.yaw == modeDisable)
++    {
++      control->yaw = 0;
++      cmd_yaw = 0.0;
++    }
++    // Apply the per-motor commands differently
++    // depending on the Z-controller mode
++    if (setpoint->mode.z == modeDisable)
 +    {
-+      // Set the flag to true that thrusts are zero
-+      isZeroThrust = true;
++      // Copy across the per motor commands
++      control->cmd1 = setpoint->cmd1;
++      control->cmd2 = setpoint->cmd2;
++      control->cmd3 = setpoint->cmd3;
++      control->cmd4 = setpoint->cmd4;
++    }
++    else
++    {
++      // Add the setpoints on top of the
++      // "control thrust" computed by the
++      // PID controllers above
++      control->cmd1 = setpoint->cmd1 + control->thrust;
++      control->cmd2 = setpoint->cmd2 + control->thrust;
++      control->cmd3 = setpoint->cmd3 + control->thrust;
++      control->cmd4 = setpoint->cmd4 + control->thrust;
 +    }
 +  }
-+  // Otherwise, "setpoint->dfall_mode == modeDfallDisable"
++  // Otherwise, "setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID == false"
 +  else
 +  {
 +    // Put the thrust value onto each motor
@@ -158,16 +135,13 @@ index f4ecb75..4a9047c 100644
 +    control->cmd2 = control->thrust;
 +    control->cmd3 = control->thrust;
 +    control->cmd4 = control->thrust;
-+    // If thrust is zero, then:
-+    if (control->thrust == 0)
-+    {
-+      // Set the flag to true that thrusts are zero
-+      isZeroThrust = true;
-+    }
 +  }
-+  // If the flag idicates that thrusts are zero,
-+  // then set all commands to zero and reset the PIDs
++  // If all control commands are zero, i.e., if:
++  // >> "control->cmd{1,2,3,4}==0"
++  // then set all commands to zero and to reset
++  // all PIDs.
++  bool isZeroThrust = ((control->cmd1 == 0 && control->cmd2 == 0 && control->cmd3 == 0 && control->cmd4 == 0));
 +  if (isZeroThrust)
 +  {
 +    // Set all commands to zero
@@ -186,217 +160,412 @@ index f4ecb75..4a9047c 100644
 +    // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
 +    attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
++    // Update also the log variables to reflect this
++    cmd_thrust = 0.0;
++    cmd_roll = 0.0;
++    cmd_pitch = 0.0;
++    cmd_yaw = 0.0;
 +  }
 diff --git a/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c b/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c
-index 1662fe4..84d0631 100644
+index 1662fe4..f6931a4 100644
 --- a/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c
 +++ b/src/modules/src/crtp_commander_generic.c
-@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ enum packet_type {
+@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ enum packet_type {
    hoverType         = 5,
    fullStateType     = 6,
    positionType      = 7,
-+  dfallMotorsType   = 8,
-+  dfallRateType     = 9,
-+  dfallAngleType    = 10,
++  dfallType         = 8,
  /* ---===== 2 - Decoding functions =====--- */
-@@ -367,6 +370,180 @@ static void positionDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data
-   setpoint->attitude.yaw = values->yaw;
+@@ -112,6 +113,9 @@ static void velocityDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data
+   setpoint->mode.yaw = modeVelocity;
+   setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = -values->yawrate;
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
-+/* dfall motors mode decoder
-+ * disable all controllers, the motor commands provided are
-+ * set directly to the motors
-+ */
-+struct dfallMotorsPacket_s {
-+    uint16_t cmd1;
-+    uint16_t cmd2;
-+    uint16_t cmd3;
-+    uint16_t cmd4;
-+} __attribute__((packed));
+ /* zDistanceDecoder
+@@ -145,6 +149,9 @@ static void zDistanceDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *dat
+   setpoint->attitude.roll = values->roll;
+   setpoint->attitude.pitch = values->pitch;
-+static void dfallMotorsDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
-+  const struct dfallMotorsPacket_s *values = data;
-+  ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct dfallMotorsPacket_s));
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
+ }
+ /* cppmEmuDecoder
+@@ -230,6 +237,9 @@ static void cppmEmuDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data,
+   {
+     setpoint->thrust = 0;
+   }
-+  // Disable the onboard position controllers
-+  setpoint->mode.x = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.y = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
+ }
+ /* altHoldDecoder
+@@ -263,6 +273,9 @@ static void altHoldDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data,
+   setpoint->attitude.roll = values->roll;
+   setpoint->attitude.pitch = values->pitch;
-+  // And set their setpoint values to zero
-+  setpoint->thrust = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.x = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.y = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.z = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.x = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.y = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.z = 0;
-+  // Disable the onboard orientation controllers
-+  setpoint->mode.roll  = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.pitch = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.yaw   = modeDisable;
-+  // And set their setpoint values to zero
-+  setpoint->attitude.roll  = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitude.pitch = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitude.yaw   = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.roll  = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw   = 0;
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
+ }
+ /* hoverDecoder
+@@ -294,6 +307,9 @@ static void hoverDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, s
+   setpoint->velocity.y = values->vy;
+   setpoint->velocity_body = true;
-+  // Tranfer the per-motor commands from the packet
-+  // to the respective setpoints
-+  setpoint->cmd1 = limitUint16(values->cmd1);
-+  setpoint->cmd2 = limitUint16(values->cmd2);
-+  setpoint->cmd3 = limitUint16(values->cmd3);
-+  setpoint->cmd4 = limitUint16(values->cmd4);
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
+ }
+ struct fullStatePacket_s {
+@@ -338,6 +354,9 @@ static void fullStateDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *dat
+   setpoint->mode.roll = modeDisable;
+   setpoint->mode.pitch = modeDisable;
+   setpoint->mode.yaw = modeDisable;
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
+ }
+ /* positionDecoder
+@@ -365,6 +384,313 @@ static void positionDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data
+   setpoint->mode.yaw = modeAbs;
+   setpoint->attitude.yaw = values->yaw;
-+  // Set the "dfall_mode" accordingly
-+  setpoint->dfall_mode = modeDfallMotors;
++  // Turn off the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = false;
-+/* dfall rate mode decoder
-+ * disable the position controllers and use the attitude controllers
-+ * in "velocity mode", i.e., use the onboard "rate controllers"
++/* dfall mode decoder
++ * set the mode of the onboard {x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw}
++ * controllers based on the mode specification
++ * contained in the packet. A separate mode is
++ * specified for each of the four independent
++ * coordinates of {x,y,z,yaw}
 + */
-+struct dfallRatePacket_s {
-+    uint16_t cmd1;
-+    uint16_t cmd2;
-+    uint16_t cmd3;
-+    uint16_t cmd4;
-+    float roll_rate;
-+    float pitch_rate;
-+    float yaw_rate;
-+} __attribute__((packed));
-+static void dfallRateDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
-+  const struct dfallRatePacket_s *values = data;
-+  ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct dfallRatePacket_s));
-+  // Disable the onboard position controllers
-+  setpoint->mode.x = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.y = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
-+  // And set their setpoint values to zero
-+  setpoint->thrust = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.x = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.y = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.z = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.x = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.y = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.z = 0;
-+  // Enable the onboard orientation controllers in
-+  // velocity mode, i.e., as rate controllers
-+  setpoint->mode.roll  = modeVelocity;
-+  setpoint->mode.pitch = modeVelocity;
-+  setpoint->mode.yaw   = modeVelocity;
-+  // Set the angle setpoints to zero
-+  setpoint->attitude.roll  = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitude.pitch = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitude.yaw   = 0;
-+  // Transfer the angular rate commands from the packet
-+  // to the respective setpoints
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = values->roll_rate;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = values->pitch_rate;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = values->yaw_rate;
++#define DFALL_CONTROLLER_MODE_OFF            0
++#define DFALL_CONTROLLER_MODE_ANGLE          2
-+  // Tranfer the per-motor commands from the packet
-+  // to the respective setpoints
-+  setpoint->cmd1 = limitUint16(values->cmd1);
-+  setpoint->cmd2 = limitUint16(values->cmd2);
-+  setpoint->cmd3 = limitUint16(values->cmd3);
-+  setpoint->cmd4 = limitUint16(values->cmd4);
-+  // Set the "dfall_mode" accordingly
-+  setpoint->dfall_mode = modeDfallRate;
-+/* dfall angle mode decoder
-+ * disable the position controllers and use the attitude controllers
-+ * in "absolute mode", i.e., use the onboard "angle controllers"
-+ */
-+struct dfallAnglePacket_s {
++struct dfallPacket_s {
++    uint16_t controllerModes;
 +    uint16_t cmd1;
 +    uint16_t cmd2;
 +    uint16_t cmd3;
 +    uint16_t cmd4;
-+    float roll;
-+    float pitch;
-+    float yaw;
++    float xControllerSetpoint;
++    float yControllerSetpoint;
++    float zControllerSetpoint;
++    float yawControllerSetpoint;
 +} __attribute__((packed));
-+static void dfallAngleDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
++static void dfallDecoder(setpoint_t *setpoint, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t datalen)
-+  const struct dfallAnglePacket_s *values = data;
-+  ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct dfallRatePacket_s));
++  const struct dfallPacket_s *values = data;
++  ASSERT(datalen == sizeof(struct dfallPacket_s));
++  // > Each mode is encoded using 3 bits, stacked together as follows:
++  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
++  // |BIT   | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10  9 | 8  7  6 | 5  4  3 | 2  1  0 |
++  // |DESC. | free bits   | yaw_mode | z_mode  | y_mode  | x_mode  |
++  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
++  uint16_t mode_selector_bits = 7;
++  uint8_t x_controller_mode   = (values->controllerModes >> 0) & mode_selector_bits;
++  uint8_t y_controller_mode   = (values->controllerModes >> 3) & mode_selector_bits;
++  uint8_t z_controller_mode   = (values->controllerModes >> 6) & mode_selector_bits;
++  uint8_t yaw_controller_mode = (values->controllerModes >> 9) & mode_selector_bits;
++  bool invalid_controller_mode_requested = false;
++  switch (x_controller_mode)
++  {
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.x     = modeDisable;
++      setpoint->mode.pitch = modeVelocity;
++      // Set the setpoint
++      setpoint->position.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.pitch     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = values->xControllerSetpoint;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.x     = modeDisable;
++      setpoint->mode.pitch = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.pitch     = values->xControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.x     = modeVelocity;
++      setpoint->mode.pitch = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.x         = values->xControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->attitude.pitch     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.x     = modeAbs;
++      setpoint->mode.pitch = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.x         = values->xControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->velocity.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.pitch     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.x     = modeDisable;
++      setpoint->mode.pitch = modeDisable;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.x         = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.pitch     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0.0;
++      break;
++    default:
++      // Set the flag that an invalid mode
++      // was requested
++      invalid_controller_mode_requested = true;
++      break;
++  }
++  switch (y_controller_mode)
++  {
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.y    = modeDisable;
++      setpoint->mode.roll = modeVelocity;
++      // Set the setpoint
++      setpoint->position.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.roll     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = values->yControllerSetpoint;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.y    = modeDisable;
++      setpoint->mode.roll = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.roll     = values->yControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.y    = modeVelocity;
++      setpoint->mode.roll = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.y        = values->yControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->attitude.roll     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.y    = modeAbs;
++      setpoint->mode.roll = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.y        = values->yControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->velocity.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.roll     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.y    = modeDisable;
++      setpoint->mode.roll = modeDisable;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.y        = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitude.roll     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0.0;
++      break;
++    default:
++      // Set the flag that an invalid mode
++      // was requested
++      invalid_controller_mode_requested = true;
++      break;
++  }
++  switch (z_controller_mode)
++  {
++      // Set the mode
++      setpoint->mode.z = modeVelocity;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.z = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.z = values->zControllerSetpoint;
++      break;
++      // Set the mode
++      setpoint->mode.z = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.z = values->zControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->velocity.z = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the mode
++      setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->position.z = 0.0;
++      setpoint->velocity.z = 0.0;
++      break;
++    default:
++      // Set the flag that an invalid mode
++      // was requested
++      invalid_controller_mode_requested = true;
++      break;
++  }
-+  // Disable the onboard position controllers
-+  setpoint->mode.x = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.y = modeDisable;
-+  setpoint->mode.z = modeDisable;
++  switch (yaw_controller_mode)
++  {
++      // Set the mode
++      setpoint->mode.yaw = modeVelocity;
++      // Set the setpoint
++      setpoint->attitude.yaw     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = values->yawControllerSetpoint;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.yaw = modeAbs;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->attitude.roll     = values->yawControllerSetpoint;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0.0;
++      break;
++      // Set the modes
++      setpoint->mode.yaw = modeDisable;
++      // Set the setpoints
++      setpoint->attitude.yaw     = 0.0;
++      setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = 0.0;
++      break;
++    default:
++      // Set the flag that an invalid mode
++      // was requested
++      invalid_controller_mode_requested = true;
++      break;
++  }
-+  // And set their setpoint values to zero
++  // Set the thrust setpoint to zero
 +  setpoint->thrust = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.x = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.y = 0;
-+  setpoint->position.z = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.x = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.y = 0;
-+  setpoint->velocity.z = 0;
-+  // Enable the onboard orientation controllers in
-+  // absolute mode, i.e., as angle controllers
-+  setpoint->mode.roll  = modeAbs;
-+  setpoint->mode.pitch = modeAbs;
-+  setpoint->mode.yaw   = modeAbs;
-+  // Transfer the angle commands from the packet
-+  // to the respective setpoints
-+  setpoint->attitude.roll = values->roll;
-+  setpoint->attitude.pitch = values->pitch;
-+  setpoint->attitude.yaw = values->yaw;
-+  // Set the angular rate setpoints to zero
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.roll = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0;
-+  setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw = 0;
 +  // Tranfer the per-motor commands from the packet
 +  // to the respective setpoints
++  // NOTES:
++  // (1) this is performed regardless of the
++  //     "z_controller_mode" because the per motor
++  //     commands can be used for correcting steady-
++  //     state offsets in {x,y,yaw}.
++  // (2) if the "z_controller_mode" is in "POSITION"
++  //     or "VELOCITY" mode, then onboard controllers
++  //     will compute the main thurst controler, and
++  //     the user is expected to fill in cmd{1,2,3,4}
++  //     with only adjustment values.
 +  setpoint->cmd1 = limitUint16(values->cmd1);
 +  setpoint->cmd2 = limitUint16(values->cmd2);
 +  setpoint->cmd3 = limitUint16(values->cmd3);
 +  setpoint->cmd4 = limitUint16(values->cmd4);
-+  // Set the "dfall_mode" accordingly
-+  setpoint->dfall_mode = modeDfallAngle;
++  // Set everything to off and zero if an invlaid
++  // controller mode was requested
++  if (invalid_controller_mode_requested)
++  {
++    // Set the modes
++    setpoint->mode.x     = modeDisable;
++    setpoint->mode.pitch = modeDisable;
++    setpoint->mode.y     = modeDisable;
++    setpoint->mode.roll  = modeDisable;
++    setpoint->mode.z     = modeDisable;
++    setpoint->mode.yaw   = modeDisable;
++    // Set the setpoints
++    setpoint->position.x         = 0.0;
++    setpoint->velocity.x         = 0.0;
++    setpoint->attitude.pitch     = 0.0;
++    setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch = 0.0;
++    setpoint->position.y         = 0.0;
++    setpoint->velocity.y         = 0.0;
++    setpoint->attitude.roll      = 0.0;
++    setpoint->attitudeRate.roll  = 0.0;
++    setpoint->position.z         = 0.0;
++    setpoint->velocity.z         = 0.0;
++    setpoint->attitude.yaw       = 0.0;
++    setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw   = 0.0;
++  }
++  // Turn on the "dfall mode adjustments"
++  setpoint->useDfallAdjustmentsToControllerPID = true;
+ }
   /* ---===== 3 - packetDecoders array =====--- */
- const static packetDecoder_t packetDecoders[] = {
-   [stopType]          = stopDecoder,
-@@ -377,6 +554,9 @@ const static packetDecoder_t packetDecoders[] = {
+@@ -377,6 +703,7 @@ const static packetDecoder_t packetDecoders[] = {
    [hoverType]         = hoverDecoder,
    [fullStateType]     = fullStateDecoder,
    [positionType]      = positionDecoder,
-+  [dfallMotorsType]   = dfallMotorsDecoder,
-+  [dfallRateType]     = dfallRateDecoder,
-+  [dfallAngleType]    = dfallAngleDecoder,
++  [dfallType]         = dfallDecoder,
  /* Decoder switch */
 diff --git a/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c b/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c
-index d3b7d8d..4e7f311 100644
+index d3b7d8d..072a699 100644
 --- a/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c
 +++ b/src/modules/src/power_distribution_stock.c
 @@ -80,18 +80,18 @@ void powerDistribution(const control_t *control)
@@ -435,13 +604,10 @@ index d3b7d8d..4e7f311 100644
 -LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m4, &motorPower.m4)
--LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m1, &motorPower.m1)
--LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m2, &motorPower.m2)
--LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m3, &motorPower.m3)
-+LOG_ADD(LOG_UINT32, m1, &motorPower.m1)
-+LOG_ADD(LOG_UINT32, m2, &motorPower.m2)
-+LOG_ADD(LOG_UINT32, m3, &motorPower.m3)
-+LOG_ADD(LOG_UINT32, m4, &motorPower.m4)
+ LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m1, &motorPower.m1)
+ LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m2, &motorPower.m2)
+ LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m3, &motorPower.m3)
++LOG_ADD(LOG_INT32, m4, &motorPower.m4)
 diff --git a/src/modules/src/stabilizer.c b/src/modules/src/stabilizer.c
 index 372ec94..cb4f848 100644
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2017-06.png b/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2017-06.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f48fca5634c490355d66642170d49b5fe537af3f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2017-06.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2020-02.png b/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2020-02.png
index 854299c68d6d3d49277d711d0e8608732f943949..62c3e54314a0fd24a7fbe4597521d22146530d38 100644
Binary files a/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2020-02.png and b/crazyflie-firmware/success_building_for_version_2020-02.png differ
diff --git a/dfall_ws/src/dfall_pkg/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py b/dfall_ws/src/dfall_pkg/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py
index 1aae76782598ebb0753b7fc5d887bf786889796c..6828e3df1b4800ddb4988082e4f6066bea572baf 100755
--- a/dfall_ws/src/dfall_pkg/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py
+++ b/dfall_ws/src/dfall_pkg/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py
@@ -91,6 +91,16 @@ CF_ONBOARD_CONTROLLER_MODE_ANGLE          2
 RAD_TO_DEG = 57.296
 # CrazyRadio states:
@@ -381,7 +391,7 @@ class CrazyRadioClient:
     def _send_to_commander(self, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, x_mode , x_value, y_mode, y_value, z_mode, z_value, yaw_mode, yaw_value ):
         # THE REQUESTED {x,y,z,yaw} MODES
         # > Each mode is encoded using 3 bits, stacked together as follows:
         # ---------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -403,16 +413,56 @@ class CrazyRadioClient:
         # |O or 1 |  1  0  0 | 0  1  0 | 0  0  1 | 1  1  1 |
         # |Value  | mode=4   | mode=2  | mode=1  | mode=7  |
         # --------------------------------------------------
+        #
+        # > To extract a mode, an example code snippet is:
+        # >>> yaw_mode = (modes >> 9) & 7
+        # > The bitwise & operator with the number 7 serves to
+        #   select only the right-hand most 3 bits of (modes >> 9),
+        #   the last 3 bits of the variable modes after is has been
+        #   shifted to the right by 9 bits.
+        # > This syntax works in both python and plain-c
         # > See hints at end of this file for an explanation
         #   of the struct packing format, i.e., of '<HHHHHffff'
         pk = CRTPPacket()
         pk.port = CRTPPort.COMMANDER_GENERIC
-        pk.data = struct.pack('<HHHHHffff', modes_as_uint16, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, x_value, y_value, z_value, yaw_value)
+        pk.data = struct.pack('<BHHHHHffff', CF_PACKET_DECODER_DFALL_TYPE, modes_as_uint16, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, x_value, y_value, z_value, yaw_value)
+        # > The "B" is the decoder type packed into 1 btye
+        # > The first "H" is the condense 2-byte integer
+        #   of four onboard controller modes
+        # > The next four "H" are the 2-byte per motor commands
+        # > The four "f" are the setpoints for each onboard controller
+        # > Hence the total size of the data is:
+        #   sizs('HHHHHffff') = 5*2bytes + 4*4bytes = 26bytes
+        # > This leaves 3 spare bytes before reaching the maximum
+        #   of 29 bytes as specified in the comment below
+        # > This is taken directly from the file
+        #   "crtp_commander_generic.c" in the
+        #   Crazyflie firmware
+        #
+        # The generic commander format contains a packet type and data that has to be
+        # decoded into a setpoint_t structure. The aim is to make it future-proof
+        # by easily allowing the addition of new packets for future use cases.
+        #
+        # The packet format is:
+        # +------+==========================+
+        # | TYPE |     DATA                 |
+        # +------+==========================+
+        #
+        # The type is defined bellow together with a decoder function that should take
+        # the data buffer in and fill up a setpoint_t structure.
+        # The maximum data size is 29 bytes.
     def crazyRadioCommandCallback(self, msg):