diff --git a/pps_wiki/faq.md b/pps_wiki/faq.md
index 9616a8e948c2716ba0b7e25352e75042a7be7408..ea04cb904a1ee7ead34bb63c7bb3fe7672067d17 100644
--- a/pps_wiki/faq.md
+++ b/pps_wiki/faq.md
@@ -264,10 +264,11 @@ Common pitfalls to watch out for are:
 - Even if the topic name is exactly matching, the name space may be different.
 - If you advertise or subscribe to a topic from with a block of code enclosed by curly braces, for example:
+ros::Subscriber my_subscriber;
 if (true)
 		ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~");
-		ros::Subscriber my_subscriber = nodeHandle.subscribe("/fortytwo",1,fortytwoCallback);
+		my_subscriber = nodeHandle.subscribe("/fortytwo",1,fortytwoCallback);