diff --git a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/include/MainWindow.h b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/include/MainWindow.h
index 892373945d90e04dfd7c981af6081f9864aa32d9..e191cb235f8f23fa1e3f458d98ad81c146bb2b9b 100644
--- a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/include/MainWindow.h
+++ b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/include/MainWindow.h
@@ -3,11 +3,25 @@
 #include <QMainWindow>
+#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
 #include "rosNodeThread.h"
+// commands for CrazyRadio
 #define CMD_RECONNECT  0
+// CrazyRadio states:
+#define CONNECTED        0
+#define CONNECTING       1
+#define DISCONNECTED     2
+// Commands for PPSClient
 namespace Ui {
 class MainWindow;
@@ -25,12 +39,24 @@ private slots:
     void on_RF_Connect_button_clicked();
+    void on_enable_disable_CF_button_clicked();
     Ui::MainWindow *ui;
     rosNodeThread* m_rosNodeThread;
+    int m_radio_status;
     ros::Publisher crazyRadioCommandPublisher;
+    ros::Subscriber crazyRadioStatusSubscriber;
+    ros::Publisher PPSClientCommadPublisher;
+    void crazyRadioStatusCallback(const std_msgs::Int32& msg);
+    void setCrazyRadioStatus(int radio_status);
+    void disableGUI();
+    void enableGUI();
 #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
diff --git a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.cpp b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.cpp
index 63c3f2710c767d8bdc879467db4d6751d3bd2fa1..234a8d44a4ec6510b4c62929071c555858e233c8 100644
--- a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.cpp
+++ b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.cpp
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 #include <ros/ros.h>
 #include <ros/network.h>
-#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
 MainWindow::MainWindow(int argc, char **argv, QWidget *parent) :
-    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
+    ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
+    m_radio_status(DISCONNECTED)
     m_rosNodeThread = new rosNodeThread(argc, argv, "student_GUI");
@@ -16,19 +16,65 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(int argc, char **argv, QWidget *parent) :
     QObject::connect(m_rosNodeThread, SIGNAL(newViconData(const ptrToMessage&)), this, SLOT(updateNewViconData(const ptrToMessage&)));
+    ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~");
+    crazyRadioStatusSubscriber = nodeHandle.subscribe("/CrazyRadio/CrazyRadioStatus", 1, &MainWindow::crazyRadioStatusCallback, this);
     std::string ros_namespace = ros::this_node::getNamespace();
     ROS_INFO("namespace: %s", ros_namespace.c_str());
+    // communication with PPS Client, just to make it possible to communicate through terminal also we use PPSClient's name
     ros::NodeHandle nh_PPSClient(ros_namespace + "/PPSClient");
     crazyRadioCommandPublisher = nh_PPSClient.advertise<std_msgs::Int32>("crazyRadioCommand", 1);
+    PPSClientCommadPublisher = nodeHandle.advertise<std_msgs::Int32>("Command", 1);
+    disableGUI();
     delete ui;
+void MainWindow::disableGUI()
+    ui->enable_disable_CF_button->setEnabled(false);
+void MainWindow::enableGUI()
+    ui->enable_disable_CF_button->setEnabled(true);
+void MainWindow::setCrazyRadioStatus(int radio_status)
+    // add more things whenever the status is changed
+    switch(radio_status)
+    {
+        case CONNECTED:
+            // change icon, the rest of the GUI is available now
+            ui->connected_disconnected_label->setText("Connected!");
+            break;
+        case CONNECTING:
+            // change icon
+            ui->connected_disconnected_label->setText("Connecting...");
+            break;
+        case DISCONNECTED:
+            // change icon, the rest of the GUI is disabled
+            ui->connected_disconnected_label->setText("Disconnected");
+            break;
+        default:
+    		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("unexpected radio status: " << m_radio_status);
+            break;
+    }
+    this->m_radio_status = radio_status;
+void MainWindow::crazyRadioStatusCallback(const std_msgs::Int32& msg)
+    this->setCrazyRadioStatus(msg.data);
 void MainWindow::updateNewViconData(const ptrToMessage& p_msg) //connected to newViconData, from node
@@ -40,3 +86,21 @@ void MainWindow::on_RF_Connect_button_clicked()
     ROS_INFO("command reconnect published");
+void MainWindow::on_enable_disable_CF_button_clicked()
+    if(ui->enable_disable_CF_button->text().toStdString() == "EnableCF") //enabled, disable if success
+    {
+        std_msgs::Int32 msg;
+        msg.data = CMD_USE_CRAZYFLY_DISABLE;
+        this->PPSClientCommadPublisher.publish(msg);
+        ui->enable_disable_CF_button->setText("DisableCF");
+    }
+    else                        //disabled, enable if success
+    {
+        std_msgs::Int32 msg;
+        msg.data = CMD_USE_CRAZYFLY_ENABLE;
+        this->PPSClientCommadPublisher.publish(msg);
+        ui->enable_disable_CF_button->setText("EnableCF");
+    }
diff --git a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.ui b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.ui
index 4e917c47e62af01aa6b4e61c4b5dcf53f1a5caad..3ce33712809ec7990a0ffe2baa3f548cd81c0d5a 100644
--- a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.ui
+++ b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/src/MainWindow.ui
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
   <widget class="QWidget" name="centralWidget">
    <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
     <item row="0" column="2">
-     <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+     <widget class="QLabel" name="connected_disconnected_label">
       <property name="text">
        <string>Connected/Disconnected RF status</string>
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
        <item row="0" column="1">
-        <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_2">
+        <widget class="QPushButton" name="enable_disable_CF_button">
          <property name="text">
-          <string>Enable/Disable CF</string>
+          <string>EnableCF</string>
@@ -86,13 +86,6 @@
-       <item row="0" column="2">
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
-         <property name="text">
-          <string>Enable/Disable CF status?</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
        <item row="2" column="2">
         <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3">
          <property name="title">
diff --git a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/studentGUI.pro.user b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/studentGUI.pro.user
index 63612b10c6da7372bd4eaa59a81ac1e63b08dfaf..0999881d56c61ab3547dbcefd32761dd4e1b19c8 100644
--- a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/studentGUI.pro.user
+++ b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/GUI_Qt/studentGUI/studentGUI.pro.user
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE QtCreatorProject>
-<!-- Written by QtCreator 4.0.2, 2017-08-21T19:05:09. -->
+<!-- Written by QtCreator 4.0.2, 2017-08-22T14:42:27. -->
diff --git a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py
index 4d00d115dc5f1f3b50ead4c9adfd1a2fba1e6bcf..76cc15138272cb1974c67f3d44fb60790026721b 100755
--- a/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py
+++ b/pps_ws/src/d_fall_pps/crazyradio/CrazyRadio.py
@@ -69,25 +69,34 @@ class PPSRadioClient:
         self.motor2cmd = 0.0
         self.motor3cmd = 0.0
         self.motor4cmd = 0.0
-        self.status = DISCONNECTED
+        self._status = DISCONNECTED
         self.link_uri = link_uri
+        self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher('CrazyRadioStatus', Int32, queue_size=1)
         # Initialize the CrazyFlie and add callbacks
         self._cf = Crazyflie()
-        # Add callbacks that get executed depending on the connection status.
+        # Add callbacks that get executed depending on the connection _status.
+        self.change_status_to(DISCONNECTED)
         # Connect to the Crazyflie
         print "Connecting to %s" % link_uri
+        self.connect()
+    def change_status_to(self, new_status):
+        self._status = new_status
+        self.status_pub.publish(new_status)
-        self.connect();
+    def get_status(self):
+        return self._status
     def connect(self):
-        self.status = CONNECTING
+        self.change_status_to(CONNECTING)
@@ -119,7 +128,7 @@ class PPSRadioClient:
             This callback is executed as soon as the connection to the
             quadrotor is established.
-        self.status = CONNECTED
+        self.change_status_to(CONNECTED)
         rospy.loginfo("Connection to %s successful: " % link_uri)
@@ -143,19 +152,18 @@ class PPSRadioClient:
     def _connection_failed(self, link_uri, msg):
         """Callback when connection initial connection fails (i.e no Crazyflie
         at the specified address)"""
-        self.status = DISCONNECTED
+        self.change_status_to(DISCONNECTED)
         rospy.logerr("Connection to %s failed: %s" % (link_uri, msg))
     def _connection_lost(self, link_uri, msg):
         """Callback when disconnected after a connection has been made (i.e
         Crazyflie moves out of range)"""
-        self.status = DISCONNECTED
+        self.change_status_to(DISCONNECTED)
         rospy.logerr("Connection to %s lost: %s" % (link_uri, msg))
     def _disconnected(self, link_uri):
         """Callback when the Crazyflie is disconnected (called in all cases)"""
-        self.status = DISCONNECTED
+        self.change_status_to(DISCONNECTED)
         rospy.logwarn("Disconnected from %s" % link_uri)
         rospy.loginfo("bag closed")
@@ -170,10 +178,10 @@ class PPSRadioClient:
     def crazyRadioCommandCallback(self, msg):
         """Callback to tell CrazyRadio to reconnect"""
         print "crazyRadio command received %s" % msg.data
-        if msg.data == CMD_RECONNECT:            # reconnect, check status first and then do whatever needs to be done
+        if msg.data == CMD_RECONNECT:            # reconnect, check _status first and then do whatever needs to be done
             print "entered reconnect"
-            print "status: %s" % self.status
-            if self.status == DISCONNECTED:
+            print "_status: %s" % self._status
+            if self.get_status() == DISCONNECTED:
                 print "entered disconnected"