diff --git a/unit-tests/player.cpp b/unit-tests/player.cpp
index 14de533264ad298f867278f351b07c62c716d999..c372c7482f89e34b39c147bc6a4e5000e11d8362 100644
--- a/unit-tests/player.cpp
+++ b/unit-tests/player.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "../src/common/exceptions/WizardException.h"
 #include "../src/common/game_state/player/player.h"
+#include "../src/common/game_state/player/hand.h"
 #include "../src/common/serialization/json_utils.h"
@@ -34,14 +35,204 @@ TEST(PlayerTest, CreatePlayer)
     EXPECT_EQ(test_player.get_scores(), score);
-    //check that removing card from empty hand does not work
-    //check wrap_up_round()
 TEST(HandTest, RemoveFromEmptyHand)
+    std::string name =  "vatkruidvat";
+    player test_player(name);
+    card* test_card = new card(2, 4);
+    std::string error = "";
+    std::string card_id = test_card->get_id();
+    //remove card without adding it
+    bool result = test_player.remove_card(card_id, test_card, error);
+    //should have returned false
+    EXPECT_FALSE(result);
+    //clear memory
+    delete test_card;
+// checks add_card, get_nof_cards, remove card
+TEST(HandTest, HandWithOneCard)
+    std::string name =  "vatkruidvat";
+    player test_player(name);
+    card* test_card = new card(2, 4);
+    std::string error = "";
+    std::string card_id = test_card->get_id();
+    test_player.add_card(test_card, error);
+    //add card to card vector
+    std::vector<card*> cards;
+    cards.push_back(test_card);
+    //should have one card in the hand
+    EXPECT_EQ(test_player.get_nof_cards(), cards.size());
+    // hand in test_player should be the same as cards vector
+    EXPECT_EQ(test_player.get_hand(), cards);
+    //remove card after adding it
+    bool result = test_player.remove_card(card_id, test_card, error);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    // clean up memory
+    delete test_card;
+TEST(HandTest, HandWithThreeCards)
+    std::string name = "vatkruidvat";
+    player test_player(name);
+    // Create the cards
+    card* test_card_1 = new card(2, 4);
+    card* test_card_2 = new card(10, 3);
+    card* test_card_3 = new card(1, 1);
+    std::string error = "";
+    std::vector<card*> cards;
+    // add the 3 cards
+    test_player.add_card(test_card_1, error);
+    cards.push_back(test_card_1);
+    test_player.add_card(test_card_2, error);
+    cards.push_back(test_card_2);
+    test_player.add_card(test_card_3, error);
+    cards.push_back(test_card_3);
+    // check if nr of cards in the hand matches the size of the vector
+    EXPECT_EQ(test_player.get_nof_cards(), cards.size());
+    std::vector<card*> hand = test_player.get_hand()->get_cards();
+    //check if all cards are still the same
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < cards.size(); ++i) {
+        //check color and value because == operator not overloaded for card type
+        EXPECT_EQ(hand[i]->get_id(), cards[i]->get_id());
+        //alternative
+    }
+    // remove card 2 and check
+    std::string card_id_to_remove = test_card_2->get_id();
+    bool result = test_player.remove_card(card_id_to_remove, test_card_2, error);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result);
+    // check nr of cards after removal
+    cards.erase(cards.begin() + 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(test_player.get_nof_cards(), cards.size());
+    // check that hand == updated vector
+    EXPECT_EQ(test_player.get_nof_cards(), cards.size());
+    std::vector<card*> updated_hand = test_player.get_hand()->get_cards();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < cards.size(); ++i) {
+        //since it is the exact same card, we can compare card id
+        EXPECT_EQ(updated_hand[i]->get_id(), cards[i]->get_id());
+        //EXPECT_EQ(updated_hand[i]->get_color(), cards[i]->get_color());
+        //EXPECT_EQ(updated_hand[i]->get_value(), cards[i]->get_value());
+    }
+    // clean up memory
+    delete test_card_1;
+    delete test_card_2;
+    delete test_card_3;
+// check wrap_up_round()
+//correct estimate -> + 10 per trick, + 20 in general
+//incorrect estimate -> -10 for each trick offset
+// tests if score is computed correctly if predicted tricks == collected tricks
+TEST(HandTest, WrapUpRoundBadPrediction)
+    std::string name =  "vatkruidvat";
+    player test_player(name);
+    test_player.set_scores(20);
+    test_player.set_nof_tricks(2);
+    test_player.set_nof_predicted(4);
+    int previous_score = test_player.get_scores().back()->get_value();
+    test_player.wrap_up_round();
+    std::vector<serializable_value<int>*> scores = test_player.get_scores();
+    int new_score = scores.back()->get_value();
+    //since two tricks off (2 made, 4 predicted) --> subtract 2 * 10 from previous score
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_score, 0);
+    // lost 20 points from previous point to this round
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::abs(new_score, previous_score), 20);
\ No newline at end of file
+// tests if score is computed correctly if predicted tricks == collected tricks
+TEST(HandTest, WrapUpRoundGoodGameplay)
+    std::string name =  "vatkruidvat";
+    player test_player(name);
+    test_player.set_scores(20);
+    test_player.set_nof_tricks(2);
+    test_player.set_nof_predicted(2);
+    int previous_score = test_player.get_scores().back()->get_value();
+    // compute score
+    test_player.wrap_up_round();
+    std::vector<serializable_value<int>*> scores = test_player.get_scores();
+    int new_score = scores.back()->get_value();
+    //since two tricks off (2 made, 2 predicted) --> add 2 * 10 + 20 to previous score
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_score, 60);
+    int collected_points = scores.back()->get_value();
+    //made 40 points in this round
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::abs(new_score, previous_score), 40);
+// Serialization and subsequent deserialization must yield the same object
+TEST(CardTest, SerializationEquality) {
+    std::string name =  "vatkruidvat";
+    player player_send(name);
+    player_send.set_scores(20);
+    player_send.set_nof_tricks(2);
+    player_send.set_nof_predicted(4);
+    rapidjson::Document* json_send = player_send.to_json();
+    std::string message = json_utils::to_string(json_send);
+    delete json_send;
+    rapidjson::Document json_received = rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
+    json_received.Parse(message.c_str());
+    player* player_received = player::from_json(json_received);
+    EXPECT_EQ(player_send.get_id(), player_received->get_id());
+    EXPECT_EQ(player_send.get_nof_cards(), player_received->get_nof_cards());
+    EXPECT_EQ(player_send.get_nof_predicted(), player_received->get_nof_cards());
+    EXPECT_EQ(player_send.get_player_name(), player_received->get_player_name());
+    EXPECT_EQ(player_send.get_scores(), player_received->get_scores());
+    EXPECT_EQ(player_send.get_hand(), player_received->get_hand());
+    delete player_received;
+// Deserializing an invalid string must throw a WizardException
+TEST(CardTest, SerializationException) {
+    rapidjson::Document json = rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
+    json.Parse("not json");
+    EXPECT_THROW(player::from_json(json), WizardException);
diff --git a/unit-tests/trick.cpp b/unit-tests/trick.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c63165e2fa841c841c490740641c7d0b5a562747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit-tests/trick.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// Created by martinalavanya on 23.11.24.