import m from 'mithril'; import { Switch, Button, Card, TextField, IconButton, Toolbar, ToolbarTitle, } from 'polythene-mithril'; import { styler } from 'polythene-core-css'; import ItemView from '../views/itemView'; import { eventsignups as signupConfig } from '../config.json'; import TableView from '../views/tableView'; import DatalistController from '../listcontroller'; import { dateFormatter } from '../utils'; import { icons } from '../views/elements'; import { ResourceHandler } from '../auth'; const viewLayout = [ { '.eventViewContainer': { display: 'grid', 'grid-template-columns': '40% 55%', 'grid-gap': '50px', }, '.propertyTitle': { color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)', }, '.propertyText': { color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)', }, '.propertyLangIndicator': { width: '30px', height: '20px', float: 'left', 'background-color': 'rgb(031,045,084)', 'border-radius': '10px', 'text-align': 'center', 'line-height': '20px', color: 'rgb(255,255,255)', 'margin-right': '10px', 'font-size' : '11px', }, '.eventInfoCard': { padding: '10px', 'font-size': '15sp', }, '.eventViewLeft': { 'grid-column': 1, }, '.eventViewRight': { 'grid-column': 2, }, '.eventViewRight h4': { 'margin-top': '0px', } } { '.eventViewContainer': { display: 'grid', 'grid-template-columns': '40% 60%', 'grid-gap': '50px', }, '.eventViewLeft': { 'grid-column': 1, }, '.eventViewRight': { 'grid-column': 2, }, '.eventViewRight h4': { 'margin-top': '2px', }, }, ]; styler.add('eventView', viewLayout); class PropertyInfo { view({ attrs: { title, de, en } }) { //const text = ''; if(de && en) { return m('div', m('p.propertyTitle', {style: { 'margin-top': '10px', 'margin-bottom': '3px' } }, [title]), m('div', [ m('div', { className: 'propertyLangIndicator' }, 'DE'), m('p.propertyText', de), ]), m('div', [ m('div', { className: 'propertyLangIndicator' }, 'EN'), m('p.propertyText', en ), ]), ) } else if(de) { return m('div', m('p.propertyTitle', {style: { 'margin-top': '10px', 'margin-bottom': '3px' } }, [title]), m('div', [ m('div', { className: 'propertyLangIndicator' }, 'DE'), m('p.propertyText', de), ]), ) } else if(en) { return m('div', m('p.propertyTitle', {style: { 'margin-top': '10px', 'margin-bottom': '3px' } }, [title]), m('div', [ m('div', { className: 'propertyLangIndicator' }, 'EN'), m('p.propertyText', en), ]), ) } } } class ParticipantsTable { constructor({ attrs: { where } }) { this.ctrl = new DatalistController('eventsignups', { embedded: { user: 1 }, where, }, signupConfig.tableKeys); } getItemData(data) { return [ m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } }, dateFormatter(data._created)), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } }, data.user.lastname), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } }, data.user.firstname), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } },, ]; } view() { return m(Card, { content: m(TableView, { controller: this.ctrl, keys: signupConfig.tableKeys, tileContent: this.getItemData, titles: [ { text: 'Date of Signup', width: '9em' }, { text: 'Name', width: '9em' }, { text: 'First Name', width: '9em' }, { text: 'Email', width: '9em' }, ], }), }); } } class EmailList { view({ attrs: { list } }) { const emails = list.toString().replace(/,/g, '; '); return m(Card, { content: m(TextField, { value: emails, label: '', multiLine: true }, ''), }); } } export default class viewEvent extends ItemView { constructor() { super('events'); this.signupHandler = new ResourceHandler('eventsignups'); this.details = false; this.emailAdresses = false; this.emaillist = ['']; this.showAllEmails = false; } oninit() { this.handler.getItem(, this.embedded).then((item) => { = item; m.redraw(); }); this.setUpEmailList(this.showAllEmails); } setUpEmailList(showAll) { if (!showAll) { this.signupHandler.get({ where: { accepted: true } }).then((data) => { this.emaillist = ( =>; m.redraw(); }); } else { this.signupHandler.get({}).then((data) => { this.emaillist = ( =>; m.redraw(); }); } } view() { if (! return ''; console.log(Object.keys(this)); console.log(this['data']); let displayDetailsButton = m(Toolbar, { compact: true, events: { onclick: () => this.details = !this.details } }, [ m(IconButton, { icon: { svg: } }), m(ToolbarTitle, { text: "details" }), ]); let displayEmailAdressesButton = m(Toolbar, { compact: true, events: { onclick: () => this.emailAdresses = !this.emailAdresses } }, [ m(IconButton, { icon: { svg: } }), m(ToolbarTitle, { text: "email adresses" }), ]); let displayDetails = null; let displayWaitlist = null; let displayEmailAdresses = null; if (this.details) { displayDetailsButton = m(Toolbar, { compact: true, events: { onclick: () => this.details = !this.details } }, [ m(IconButton, { icon: { svg: } }), m(ToolbarTitle, { text: "details" }), ]); displayDetails = m(Card, { className: 'eventInfoCard', content: [ { any: { content: [ m(PropertyInfo, { title: 'Catchphrase', de:, en:, }), ] } }, { any: { content: [ m(PropertyInfo, { title: 'Description', de:, en:, }), ] } }, { any: { content: [ ? m('div', {style: { 'margin-top': '10px', 'margin-bottom': '3px' } }, [m('span.propertyTitle', 'Priority')]) : '', ? m('div', m('p.propertyText', ` ${}`)) : '', ] } }, ] }) } if (this.emailAdresses) { displayEmailAdressesButton = m(Toolbar, { compact: true, events: { onclick: () => this.emailAdresses = !this.emailAdresses } }, [ m(IconButton, { icon: { svg: } }), m(ToolbarTitle, { text: "email adresses" }), ]); displayEmailAdresses = m(Card, { className: 'eventInfoCard', content: [ { any: { content: m(Switch, { defaultChecked: false, label: 'show unaccepted', onChange: () => { this.showAllEmails = !this.showAllEmails; this.setUpEmailList(this.showAllEmails); }, }), }, }, { any: { content: m(EmailList, { list: this.emaillist }), } }, ], }); } return m("div", { style: { height: '100%', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', padding: '10px'} },[ m(Button, {element: 'div', label: "Update Event"}), m("h1", {style: { 'margin-top': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '0px' } }, []), m('div', { style: { float: 'left', 'margin-right': '20px'} }, [ ? m('div', m('span.propertyTitle', `Time`)) : '', ? m('div', m('p.propertyText', ` ${dateFormatter(} to ${dateFormatter(}`)) : '', ]), m('div', [ ? m('div', m('span.propertyTitle', `Location`)) :' '), ? m('div', m('p.propertyText', ` ${}`)) : ' ', ]), m('div.eventViewContainer', { style: { 'margin-top': '50px' } }, [ m('div.eventViewLeft', [ displayDetailsButton, displayDetails, displayEmailAdressesButton, displayEmailAdresses, ]), m('div.eventViewRight', [ m('h4', 'Accepted Participants'), m(ParticipantsTable, { where: { accepted: true } }), m('p', ''), m('h4', 'Participants on Waiting List'), m(ParticipantsTable, { where: { accepted: false } }), ]) ]), ]) } }