import ItemView from './views/itemView'; import EditView from './views/editView'; import { inputGroup, selectGroup, submitButton } from './views/elements'; import TableView from './views/tableView'; import { events as config } from './config.json'; const m = require('mithril'); export class EventView extends ItemView { constructor() { super('events'); this.memberships = []; } view() { // do not render anything if there is no data yet if (! return''); let comissionBadge = m('span.label.label-important', 'Who is resp of this event?'); if ( === 'kultur') { comissionBadge = m('span.label.label-success', 'Kulturi event'); } else if ( === 'eestec') { comissionBadge = m('span.label.label-important', 'EESTEC event'); } else if ( === 'limes') { comissionBadge = m('span.label.label-warning', 'LIMES event'); } // TODO Question Lio171201:are we missing a "responsible" key? const detailKeys = [ 'title_de', 'rfid', 'location', 'time_start', 'time_end', 'show_website', 'catchphrase', 'time_register_start', 'price', 'allow_email_signup']; return m('div', [ m('h1', `${}`), comissionBadge, m('table', => m('tr', [ m('td.detail-descriptor', config.keyDescriptors[key]), m('td',[key] ?[key] : ''), ]))), m('h2', 'Location'), m('br'), m(TableView, { resource: 'events', keys: ['event.location'], query: { where: { user: }, embedded: { group: 1 }, }, }), m('h2', 'Signups'), m('br'), m(TableView, { resource: 'events', keys: ['event.title_de'], query: { where: { user: }, embedded: { event: 1 }, }, }), ]); } } class EventEdit extends EditView { constructor(vnode) { super(vnode, 'events'); } getForm() { return m('form', [ m('div.row', [ m(inputGroup, this.bind({ title: 'Deutscher Titel', name: 'title_de' })), m(inputGroup, this.bind({ title: 'English Title', name: 'title_en' })), m(inputGroup, this.bind({ title: 'Location', name: 'location' })), // m(inputGroup, this.bind({ title: 'Date-start', name: 'datetimepicker1' })), // $('#datetimepicker1').datetimepicker(); m(selectGroup, this.bind({ classes: 'col-xs-6', title: 'May non-AMIV members register?', name: 'allow_email_signup', options: [true, false], })), m(selectGroup, this.bind({ classes: 'col-xs-6', title: 'Show on the website?', name: 'show_website', options: [true, false], })), m(selectGroup, this.bind({ classes: 'col-xs-6', title: 'Piority from 1 to 10?', name: 'priority', // could be done with array.apply: options: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], })), ]), m('span', JSON.stringify(, m('span', JSON.stringify(this.errors)), ]); } view() { // do not render anything if there is no data yet if (! return''); return m('form', [ this.getForm(), m(submitButton, { active: this.valid, args: { onclick: this.submit('PATCH', config.patchableKeys), class: 'btn-warning', }, text: 'Update', }), ]); } } export class NewEvent extends EventEdit { constructor(vnode) { super(vnode); = { title_de: 'Unvollstaendiges Event', priority: 7, show_website: false, }; this.valid = false; // if the creation is finished, UI should switch to new Event this.callback = (response) => { m.route.set(`/events/${}`); }; } view() { return m('form', [ this.getForm(), m(submitButton, { active: this.valid, args: { onclick: this.submit('POST', config.patchableKeys), class: 'btn-warning', }, text: 'Create', }), ]); } } export class EventModal { constructor() { this.edit = false; } view() { if (this.edit) { return m(EventEdit, { onfinish: () => { this.edit = false; m.redraw(); } }); } // else return m('div', [ m('div.btn.btn-default', { onclick: () => { this.edit = true; } }, 'Edit'), m('br'), m(EventView), ]); } }