import m from 'mithril'; import { Checkbox, Button, Card, TextField } from 'polythene-mithril'; import ItemView from '../views/itemView'; import { events as config, eventsignups as signupConfig } from '../config.json'; import TableView from '../views/tableView'; import DatalistController from '../listcontroller'; import { dateFormatter } from '../utils'; class ParticipantsTable { constructor({ attrs: { where } }) { this.ctrl = new DatalistController('eventsignups', { embedded: { user: 1 }, where, }, signupConfig.tableKeys); } getItemData(data) { return [ m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } }, dateFormatter(data._created)), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } }, data.user.lastname), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } }, data.user.firstname), m('div', { style: { width: '9em' } },, ]; } view() { return m(Card, { content: m(TableView, { controller: this.ctrl, keys: signupConfig.tableKeys, tileContent: this.getItemData, titles: [ { text: 'Date of Signup', width: '9em' }, { text: 'Name', width: '9em' }, { text: 'First Name', width: '9em' }, { text: 'Email', width: '9em' }, ], }), }); } } export default class viewEvent extends ItemView { constructor() { super('events'); this.showParticipants = false; } view() { if (! return ''; console.log(; const navigation = m('nav', m('ul', [m('li', 'event overview'), m('li', 'participants'), m('li', 'something')])); function edit() { alert('edit event...'); } const editEventButton = m('div', m(Button, { label: 'edit event', events: { onclick: () => edit(), }, })); const showParticipantsButton = m('div', m(Button, { label: `display participants ${this.showParticipants ? '>' : '<'}`, events: { onclick: () => { this.showParticipants = !this.showParticipants; }, }, })); return m('main', { style: { height: '100%', overflow: 'scroll' } }, [navigation, m('h1', { class: 'title' }, 'Event overview'), m('h3', m('em',, ? m('p', m('strong', `when: from ${dateFormatter(} to ${dateFormatter(}`)) : '', ? m('p', m('strong', `where: ${}`)) : '', editEventButton, m('h1', { class: 'title' }, 'Participants'), showParticipantsButton, this.showParticipants ? m('h4', 'Accepted Participants') : '', this.showParticipants ? m(ParticipantsTable, { where: { accepted: true } }) : '', this.showParticipants ? m('p', '') : '', this.showParticipants ? m('h4', 'Participants on Waiting List') : '', this.showParticipants ? m(ParticipantsTable, { where: { accepted: false } }) : '', ]); } }