# Admintool # Developer Installation ## w/ Docker Start the dev Container in VS Code run ```npm run start``` inside the container. The development server is available under localhost:9000. It refreshes automatically as soon as you save changes in any `.js` file. ## w/o Docker ``` npm install ``` And now, start developing: ``` npm run start ``` *Warning*: For installation on Ubuntu 16.04 (and possibly similar), you need to install nodejs from the repos source. 1. Remove nodejs if you already have it (ONLY IF YOU REALLY WANT!): ``` sudo apt remove nodejs ``` 2. Add nodejs10 from repo (download): `curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -` 3. Install: `sudo apt install -y nodejs` 4. Clean-up and install the packages for amiv-admintools ``` rm -rf node_modules/ npm install npm run start ``` This will open up a local server outputting the current version of the admintools. It refreshes automatically as soon as you save changes in any `.js` file. ### File Structure: * res (Resources) - favicon - logo * src - views (reusable view components, etc for Tables and selection lists) - `index.js` main file - `*Tool.js` main file per API resource, e.g. for all user-related UIs.