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  • maspect/amiv-admintool
  • emustafa/amiv-admintool
  • dvruette/amiv-admintool
  • amiv/amiv-admintool
4 results
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with 2988 additions and 4 deletions
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/* eslint-disable operator-assignment */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
/* eslint-disable no-bitwise */
/* eslint-disable no-plusplus */
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
* Base64 encode / decode
* */
const Base64 = {
// private property
_keyStr: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=',
// public method for encoding
encode(input) {
let output = '';
let chr1; let chr2; let chr3; let enc1; let enc2; let enc3; let enc4;
let i = 0;
input = Base64._utf8_encode(input);
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = 64;
enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output
+ this._keyStr.charAt(enc1)
+ this._keyStr.charAt(enc2)
+ this._keyStr.charAt(enc3)
+ this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);
} // Whend
return output;
}, // End Function encode
// public method for decoding
decode(input) {
let output = '';
let chr1; let chr2; let chr3;
let enc1; let enc2; let enc3; let enc4;
let i = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, '');
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
} // Whend
output = Base64._utf8_decode(output);
return output;
}, // End Function decode
// private method for UTF-8 encoding
_utf8_encode(string) {
let utftext = '';
string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
for (let n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
const c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
} else if (c > 127 && c < 2048) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
} else {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
} // Next n
return utftext;
}, // End Function _utf8_encode
// private method for UTF-8 decoding
_utf8_decode(utftext) {
let string = '';
let i = 0;
let c; let c2; let c3;
c = 0;
c2 = 0;
while (i < utftext.length) {
c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
if (c < 128) {
string += String.fromCharCode(c);
} else if (c > 191 && c < 224) {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
i += 2;
} else {
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2);
string += String.fromCharCode(
((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63),
i += 3;
} // Whend
return string;
}, // End Function _utf8_decode
export default Base64;
import m from 'mithril';
import { TextField } from 'polythene-mithril';
import { ListSelect, DatalistController } from 'amiv-web-ui-components';
import { ResourceHandler } from '../auth';
import EditView from '../views/editView';
class NanoController {
constructor(resource) {
this.resource = resource;
this.handler = new ResourceHandler(resource); = {};
post(data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { => {
cancel() {
* Table of all possible permissions to edit
* @class PermissionEditor (name)
export default class NewBlacklist extends EditView {
constructor({ attrs }) {
super({ attrs: { controller: new NanoController('blacklist'), ...attrs } });
this.userHandler = new ResourceHandler('users', ['firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'nethz']);
this.userController = new DatalistController((query, search) => this.userHandler.get(
{ search, ...query },
beforeSubmit() {
const { data } = this.form;
// exchange user object with string of id
this.submit({, user: data.user ? data.user._id : undefined }).then(() => {
view() {
return this.layout([
m('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [
m(TextField, { label: 'User: ', disabled: true, style: { width: '160px' } }),
m('div', { style: { 'flex-grow': 1 } }, m(ListSelect, {
controller: this.userController,
listTileAttrs: user => Object.assign({}, { title: `${user.firstname} ${user.lastname}` }),
selectedText: user => `${user.firstname} ${user.lastname}`,
onSelect: (data) => { = data; },
...this.form.renderSchema(['reason', 'start_time', 'price']),
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
import m from 'mithril';
import viewEvent from './viewEvent';
import editEvent from './editEvent';
import ItemController from '../itemcontroller';
import { loadingScreen } from '../layout';
export default class EventItem {
constructor() {
this.controller = new ItemController('events', { moderator: 1 });
view() {
if (!this.controller || (! && this.controller.modus !== 'new')) {
return m(loadingScreen);
if (this.controller.modus !== 'view') return m(editEvent, { controller: this.controller });
return m(viewEvent, { controller: this.controller });
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.